New guy says Hi from NYC......


Sep 11, 2010
Formerly from NYC - Still Ruled by Commi Criminal
Been reading a lot lately, and learning a lot. Thanks for the great info :)

I have the following lights >>
SF E2D (burns a lot of bulbs :( but nice edc light :) )
SF C3 (Sold it)
Streamlight 3 Cell Model T??
Streamlight 4AA LED (clunker, but was nice a couple of years ago)
A couple of more, but I can't find them.

I was never too sure about the import lights, which was the reason I was purchasing the SureFire lights. Great quality, build, CS, etc.
BUT after reading this Forum, and searching around, I purchased my first EagleTac, the P20C2 MKll (I am awaiting its arrival.) From what I have been reading, I will be very happy with this light.
I am also looking to purchase a single cell CR123A light.
I am leaning towards the JETBeam RRT-0 w/ XP-G R5 LED. I was also looking at the Quark 123 Mini (206 OTF model w/ XP-G R5 LED), but most likely will get the RRT-0. I had read though that the RRT-0 has some quality issues, but on the whole, seemed to be fine.
My question is regarding OTF ratings.
I know EagleTac specifies OTF, as well as Quark (I think?), but how are the ratings for JETBeam? Is the 255 OTF, or at the emitter? And in General, can the Lumen ratings from these companies be as trusted as SureFire?
I do read the testings done here, and see that the other Mfr's are usually verified.

Thanks for any help you can offer.
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:welcome:Not sure I can help with the OTF ratings, and who does and does not use them, but the Quarks seem to be nice lights. I do not have a 123 MiNi, but the clicky Quark 123. As with most things, here you get what you pay for, and some research goes a long way. Try not to get involved in the chase for lumens, there are probably beamshots here of just about any light made to see what it looks like. Flood, throw, ringy beam, etc. As well as reviews. I'd rather have the beam I want and less lumens than the other way around. Oh, whatever you do, stay away from Titanium, it can be addictive and drain the wallet in a hurry...:)
Thanks. I did see that titanium does not dissipate heat as well anyway.

I am looking at the JETBeam Raptor 2 with the R5. Just came out today.
But for the wow factor, and also for possible EDC, I am looking at the >>

MG P-Rocket SST-50 Premium 800+ Lumens
Hi to you too and welcome to CPF:welcome:

For me I know that EagleTac will tell you almost like OTF lumen rating. Surefire will actually tell you a lot less then the real OTF. Like when they tell you their light will do 80 lumen, it will more then likely do 100 OTF.

It's a good thing you are buying American made lights, as they are of much better qualities in general.

If you didn't know already check the tread about the sphere of truth!

Good old sphere will tell you the true OTF lumen are for lights. A lot of Chinese company will lie about their lumen rating. Most don't even use the proper driver to drive the LED right. For example you will need at least 2.8amps of current to driver MC-E to produce 600+ lumen. The funniest thing is they will put a 1.4amp driver in it and tell you it's doing 700 lumen OTF. Also a lot of company will tell you their bulb lumen and that you will have account for reflector loss as they are not 100% reflective. This mean you will lose about 30% if the coating on the reflectors and windows are not of good qualities.

The best thing to do is actually to see the beam shots of the light or in real life. Some people are color weak so actually cool white would be very very white to others and to others it's just blue. So use your own eyes to be the judge on lights. Happy hunting.:)
Yup, you have flashaholism. We've deduced that the only cure is more flashlights.

I did the same, I bought a flashlight that I didn't even have batteries or a charger for. I ended up getting said batts/charger while I was waiting for my light to be made.
I was addicted a couple of years ago, but sought therapy before I entered into the tunnel of no return, the 'Black Hole,' if you will :)
I was doing well for awhile, I really was. When that urge would be too much, I would make that phone call to my sponsor, and talk about it. I would remember the Family that loved me, and didn't want to see me once again, fall into the abyss. And I was ok for awhile.
BUT the urge was starting to become overwhelming. I was remembering that C3 I sold on eBay, and how I missed her, ummm........that flashlight. Her smooth gray linear curves, her brightness, the way she called to me when she was feeling weak, and needed a shot of energy. It was too much :(
BUT then, I came across CPF again. I had always been a lurker, afraid that if I became 'one of them,' the Urge would just be too much to handle. I lurked around a little for a couple of hours, but I had some questions that needed answers, so I became 'one of them,' BUT then I came across the CPF Market Place, and sadly, that was when I just exploded :crazy:, and spiraled out of control, which brings me to this point.
I am looking for a way to get out, maybe a CPF Forum specific for seeking help:help:, BUT sadly, I fear there is no return this time :( The Abyss is too deep, and way too Dark. And that is why I had to purchase more Light, to help me get out. Yeah, that's why. It's all clear now, I had to purchase more Light, to help me to get out from the Dark Abyss :eek:
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