Went back and watched the Pixa video. When they showed the Pixa 2, they indeed implied it gave both flood and spot
at the same time, "no need to change the mode." (Part of the confusion comes from the narrator saying "two models" or possibly "two modes" when I think she means "two beams.") Notice also the icons for the Pixa 2, on the video and on the Pixa Line page: They show the "spot plus flood" icon TWICE, one for working, one for walking. I think that means same spot+flood beam, which is useful for either closeup work or walking. (I beg to differ. I'd hate to use a spotted flood for close work.)
If I'm right, then the Pixa 2 is definitely not for anyone who wants a smooth, even floody beam. There's a hot spot in the middle of it.
One other question: Look at the flood beam profile I captured from the Pixa promo video, and posted halfway down the page
Does that look like the kind of beam you'd get from three LEDs behind a frosted lens? I don't think so...frosted lens you'd not get such a sharply defined edge. I'm suspicious that flood beamshot is from the P3 on flood mode, looking at the P3's optical arrangement.
Pixa Three Face.
So now the question is, which has a nicer flood beam, the Pixa 1 or the Pixa 3?