New Knife Project Anyone ??????

george tichbourne

Dec 14, 2007
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
:wave:Hi Everyone,
Anyone been thinking about a new knife project ?? I know - it would be for 2009 but it doesn't hurt to start thinking now.........

How many of you would be interested in another project ? It's something that George and I would be happy to get into.

We're lonesome and bored without all the activity of the CPF group knife project. Besides which there's no one to talk to now :mecry:


Tried to post this one in the Marketplace for sale but couldn't get in ~
will have to talk to Greta to see what I'm doing wrong.

This one is real pretty,

Hope all of you are enjoying the summer, we're still in the deep freeze up here. For a couple days we had 90F now we've been back to 60F for a number of days and lots of rain.

Cheers, Carol, George & Maggie
[email protected]
my vote would be for something like:
6" or less OAL
3" or less blade
.25" thick or close to it
something like your "white tanto" (tanto or hefty spear point) but with thinner handles and a more squared end for pounding.

something small and very functional, to take out with us and our flashlights!
ive been extrodinarily busy, and unable to take them photos! sorry...:ohgeez:

i will get round to it at some point...and bring that thread back to life..:)

I've been keeping an eye on your in stock page. My CPF knife is too pretty to use and I like George's work so much I would like to shop there first. :)

As far as selling, I believe as a custom knife maker, you can sell here in the Custom Forge forum. I'm sure someone will :twak: me if I'm wrong. If you want to post at the Market Place, you will need to create an account there as it is a separate forum.
my vote would be for something like:
6" or less OAL
3" or less blade
.25" thick or close to it
something like your "white tanto" (tanto or hefty spear point) but with thinner handles and a more squared end for pounding.

something small and very functional, to take out with us and our flashlights!

Greetings HoopleHead, that white tanto is a gorgeous little knife. George is actually making one up now for someone with linen micarta. That will be different and when it's complete I'll put a photo up (if I'm allowed) I'm going to have to check with Greta because I'm not sure what we can and cannot do now that we are out of the project mode. I know we were given a little more leaway during that run.

Cheers, Carol
ive been extrodinarily busy, and unable to take them photos! sorry...:ohgeez:

i will get round to it at some point...and bring that thread back to life..:)


OK, so what have you been doing that's kept you so busy :party: ??
Never mind I had photos of something I wanted to send to a customer and I had to track down one of our customers, have someone bring the item into the store, shoot it, send it back than promptly lost our camera before I downloaded the photos. :whistle: I'm blaming my problem on a seniors moment.................

CHeers, Carol:)
I've been keeping an eye on your in stock page. My CPF knife is too pretty to use and I like George's work so much I would like to shop there first. :)

As far as selling, I believe as a custom knife maker, you can sell here in the Custom Forge forum. I'm sure someone will :twak: me if I'm wrong. If you want to post at the Market Place, you will need to create an account there as it is a separate forum.

Hi Unforgiven, we'd love to have you purchase something off our "In Stock" page :) Our inventory has kind of taken a beating during the CPF project and a little run this past month or so. George is busy trying to replenish inventory so keep you eyes on that page, you should see some new things in the next month or so I hope.

Well if we can sell/ try to sell - here on the Custom Forge Forum that works for me, I know how to get here and I even have learned how to post photos. Schiesz will be so pleased ;) The dear man worked very hard continually posting all those photos for me.

Look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Oh, we now have a referral bonus point program in addition to our regular bonus point system.

It's been great to hear from you fellows - really have missed you all.

CHeers, Carol:wave:
[email protected]
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I'm in money conservation mode right now, but I may contact you for a custom in the future. Hmmmm already thinking about a 2009 CPF knife eh? I look forward to it. Maybe I'll successfully get one of these ideas in my head onto paper and submit a design.:thinking:
My CPF knife is too pretty to use :)

Unforgiven, I thought I'd better get back to you on this ;)

Thankyou for your kind words regarding George's work, much appreciated.
Your concern about the CPF knife being too pretty to use pretty as it may be it is indeed a solid, sturdy little knife and quite capable of being used. Don't be afraid to use it, everything that George makes is designed to work. HOWEVER, if you prefer to keep it pristine and find another working partner that is of course your choice. Just wanted to assure you that it could be used without concern. Not made for HEAVY duty use but normal use - by all means. :)

Cheers, Carol
I'm in money conservation mode right now, but I may contact you for a custom in the future. Hmmmm already thinking about a 2009 CPF knife eh? I look forward to it. Maybe I'll successfully get one of these ideas in my head onto paper and submit a design.:thinking:

Hi PhantomPhoton, I think most of us are but as I recall it took a LONG time for everyone to decide upon the design aspects and exactly what everyone wanted for 2008.

With that in mind I thought it might be a good idea to get you fellows thinking as to what 2009 could hold for a project.;)

Not that I'm trying to organize you fellows or anything :whistle: but just to get you all thinking so that the suggestion, design portion moves along well.

Enjoy your summer, Carol :)
Hi Carol,
I would have bought one of the CPF group knife in a heartbeat but I'm a fan of more practical and everyday use blade designs.

A lot of the folks here don't realize how practical knives are that are great slicers and that's what most knives are used for in everyday life anyway.

If there is a second CPF knife, I would recommend a full flat ground blade emulating from a fairly beefy spine.

Forget swedges, though they sell because they look "cool" and they DO offer slightly reduced weight and forget tanto blades as they also LOOK "cool" but are mostly impractical.

In my experience, there is no more practical blade for all-around use than a full flat grind.

Another suggestion would be a Wharncliffe or modified Wharncliffe blade and fully flat ground. Ask George about this as these are very practical blade designs but not very "sexy" but are just now getting the respect they deserve.

I have used knives for well over 40 years and these suggestions come from real world use and are just simply MY opinions. :)

By the way, there's a very popular knifemaker named Tom Krein that even posts here on CPF sometimes that has a good business going of converting very popular knives to full flat grinds for razor sharpness and slicing.
Hi Gene, I understand what you are talking about, if you cruise through George's website
you'll see that his knives are practical working blades, even his art pieces.

Everyone has various ideas of "their" ideal knife and hence my reasoning for trying to start the process of people putting down what they might be interested in - in many peoples opinions I'm sure - "early" :)

Many knives are job specific, some are just great to look at, some are real workers, some are excercises in design and creativity.

Flat grinds are nice, we have a number of them in our regular line-up.

All preferences aside though, I do think that the CPF 2008 is a real looker;) Often when you're going for a commemorative knife as was the case for the 2008 model you run with something that is going to be a keepsake and a little different. For those who wish to use it, it is by all means a knife to be used, for those wanting a momento it suits that purpose too.

Cheers, Carol :)
If his is a suggestion thread I will offer my thoughts for something to think about. How do others feel about a neck knife....something small, simple and rugged. I have many knives and use only a few and one of my most used is an old CRKT K.I.S.S with tanto style blade and carried as a back up on duty.

It was cheap enough that I do not mind beating on it with hard use and if it breaks then I surely got my moneys worth over the years. Something small and simple may not be worth a custom makers time however if you guys are bored it may be something simple to think about.

Maybe a AUS-8 material or something similiar in cost with a length of maybe 5-6 inches. It could be kept simple and cheaper by allowing the purchaser to wrap their own handle with para-cord using whatever style they like. Just an idea from my own personal selfish wants but again it may be a nice project to consider. Seems like neck knives or other easier to carry options always sold well.
Hi Carol,
Very nice reply and I do understand what you're saying. I also want to say George and everyone did a good job with the CPF knife and it is a looker. It just wasn't my cup of tea.

So, my choice for the next CPF knife, (if there is one), would be a Wharnie or modified Wharnie with a full flat grind tapering down to a razor sharp edge from a fairly beefy spine. Thank you! :)
If his is a suggestion thread I will offer my thoughts for something to think about. How do others feel about a neck knife....something small, simple and rugged. .

Thankyou Robocop, that's what I'm looking for, different ideas from the members so everyone can start thinking about their wish list and at some point narrow down the wish list and end up with a design that works for most.

Appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts,

Cheers, Carol :)
[email protected]
Hi Carol,
Very nice reply and I do understand what you're saying. I also want to say George and everyone did a good job with the CPF knife and it is a looker. It just wasn't my cup of tea.

So, my choice for the next CPF knife, (if there is one), would be a Wharnie or modified Wharnie with a full flat grind tapering down to a razor sharp edge from a fairly beefy spine. Thank you! :)

Thankyou Gene, I'm trying to find a photo of a matching set of Wharncliffs that George made for someone a few years ago. They were really pretty, he swore he'd never make them with bolsters again ;) but they were pretty. If I can find that photo I'll post it, it's something you'd enjoy.

Cheers, Carol :)
What? Carol and George are posting their own pictures now?


Since this year's knife was pretty much exactly what I was looking for, i'm having a hard time thinking of what I might want for the next one.

I'd love to have something in Stellite or Talonite though...

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