New LED light/lantern!


Newly Enlightened
Jul 16, 2008
Please forgive me if someone has already posted in regards to one of these, I just couldn't resist. The real Coors Light! Momentary switch on the side of the can, pull down on base for lantern use and constant on, click the pull tab to activate butane lighter! About as bright as a Fauxton. Cost at local grocery store: $1 :thumbsup: (after digging through the other six they had, this was the only one that worked!)





Runs on six watch battery type cells, I have no idea what exact size, but when it dies I'll dig 'em out and see if its worth buying six of them. The perfect light for when you wake up after some heavy beer drinking and need to light your way to the bathroom and then smoke a cigarette afterward. Beer can shape provides familiar form factor :laughing: Anyone else have a interesting novelty LED light they just couldn't resist buying?
I wonder if there's a Diet Coke can version,for the non-beer drinkers among us.(teens,and people who don't like beer.)
Actually, all the ones they had at the store were beer of some kind, no soda pop versions. Many assorted brands of beer, but ironically only the Coors LIGHT one worked! :laughing: