I just found this forum and thinks it is great. I found these lights at my local wallymart this week (Hudson Oaks, TX) and thought I'd try them out. I had purchased some of the older style 5mm showerhead type and suffered the same results as most (they crapped out). But because I am a glutton for punishment I bought these to try. They are listed under the LOA brand and are chinese no doubt. They advertise 11 watt consumption 4100k, 73 cri, not for dimmers. I placed them in my security light that is switched by a photocell (does anybody know if that will hurt them?) They both have a clunky rattle to them I am not sure what is moving inside but it appeared to not effect the function. The body/ heatsink is metal. They did not get but slightly warm after being on for several hours in the hot texas evening. I like the beam it is a true flood unlike the old units that had a heavy spot. The color does not seem to be 4100 to me more like 5000 but that is probably just me. I placed the old ones (which have not been used since being replace with new ones) in the fixture and they seem much higher probably a true 5000k. The new models looked brighter so I took some reading with my light meter from work and got the following numbers. At distances of 3", 1' 3' and 6 feet I got 2398, 567,127,24 foot candles out of the old 5mm shower head model. The new one was 2730, 195, 23, 6 the new model is much brighter but it is a true flood light and the older model was measured in the spot which puts these numbers in perspective. I hope these actually last as they were priced ok at $19.87. I was at another store and they did not have any so I am not sure about availability. I hope these last as I would like to install more as security lights around my house.