New Lights of America PAR38s at wallymart


Newly Enlightened
Sep 9, 2010
I just found this forum and thinks it is great. I found these lights at my local wallymart this week (Hudson Oaks, TX) and thought I'd try them out. I had purchased some of the older style 5mm showerhead type and suffered the same results as most (they crapped out). But because I am a glutton for punishment I bought these to try. They are listed under the LOA brand and are chinese no doubt. They advertise 11 watt consumption 4100k, 73 cri, not for dimmers. I placed them in my security light that is switched by a photocell (does anybody know if that will hurt them?) They both have a clunky rattle to them I am not sure what is moving inside but it appeared to not effect the function. The body/ heatsink is metal. They did not get but slightly warm after being on for several hours in the hot texas evening. I like the beam it is a true flood unlike the old units that had a heavy spot. The color does not seem to be 4100 to me more like 5000 but that is probably just me. I placed the old ones (which have not been used since being replace with new ones) in the fixture and they seem much higher probably a true 5000k. The new models looked brighter so I took some reading with my light meter from work and got the following numbers. At distances of 3", 1' 3' and 6 feet I got 2398, 567,127,24 foot candles out of the old 5mm shower head model. The new one was 2730, 195, 23, 6 the new model is much brighter but it is a true flood light and the older model was measured in the spot which puts these numbers in perspective. I hope these actually last as they were priced ok at $19.87. I was at another store and they did not have any so I am not sure about availability. I hope these last as I would like to install more as security lights around my house.

Nice picture. As for the photcell damaging the lamps, possibly, if it uses
a triac to switch the ac. The only motion-detector control I've had apart
in recent history used a small relay, which would be safe. If the triac is
always fully on or off, not trying to "dim" the lamp, you might be OK but
someone else could be more definitive on this. Smaller photcell controls
such as night-lights use electronic switching, and I killed a small LED
Christmas light bulb in one of those.

Wall-Mart in Canada has been selling LoA 9W (7 LEDs) and 11W
(9 LEDs, similar to yours) PAR spots but with way less heatsinking, and
for more money (about $30-35). The centre part looks similar. I may
stop by a Wall-Mart today, though I tend not to shop there.

I bought one 1.5W showerhead bulb and it dimmed despite being outside
in cold temperatures for most of its short life (couple of thousand hours
max.). I am also a bit of a sucker for punishment, but not for any of the
proven bad designs. I'm running a GU10 4W PAR16 spot, and the jury
is still out on that one. It runs hot due to small heatsink, though not
painfully so. Cost was $15. A different local retailler is selling equivalent
GE product for $40, which is absurd.

So, unless someone else has life-tested this product, what you are doing
is valuable even if we reach the same conclusion about LoA
products from the "showerhead experience", although these are
substantially different.

I. I hope these actually last as they were priced ok at $19.87. I was at another store and they did not have any so I am not sure about availability.

Is that the regular price...seems rather low. As I suspected, the ones
sold in Canada do not have the large finned outer heatsink, and are
therefore suspect. Perhaps they're older stock or just a different
model number. The 9W and 11W here sell for ~$24 and ~30CDN
respectively. If the price you payed was regular, it would give me
one (more) reason not to buy from that chain (and LoA), given the
exchange rate is currently about 5% in favour of the $US. Not an
apples-apples product comparisor though.

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The part number above the sku is 2103LEDP38-LF4-8 the sku is 55277 21033 this was the regular price I assume this was the first I have seen them there. About 3 weeks or a month ago all the "old" LOA lights were on clearence at the stores around here. The GE were also cleared out.
The package states suitable for wet locations but says if mounted in a wet location base must be installed up.

I've had these par38 LED bulbs for about 3 months so far and they are holding up pretty well. Tint isn't too bad (maybe 4500-5000k) and the heatsinking is adequate for extended use. They do work well for outdoor security floodlights as they are on full brightness instantly, yet use a fraction of the power of a halogen bulb. They also work well indoors as well. For around 20 bucks online they aren't a bad deal at all.
I'm sorry I may be mis-reading what you posted- you're saying you get 6 fc at 6' distance? (Assume you are somewhat near the middle of the beam)

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