New member


Newly Enlightened
Feb 19, 2009
Just wanted to stop by and say "hi!"

I just purchased my first 'real' flashlight (a Surefire G2) just the other day with some help from these forums. It's really interesting to see how many people are into flashlights like this. I may have to check this board somewhat often.


A Surefire G2 is a nice start. Affordable, durable, puts out a good amount of light and can be easily upgraded with a whole bunch of available drop-in modules since it is a P60 compatible host. The G2 was one of my first Surefire purchases and I still have it today. :thumbsup:

Your first is a Surefire, wOw. You will love this forum and I might as well say it first as someone else will if I don't, Get your wallet ready for the ride :D
Just wanted to stop by and say "hi!"

I just purchased my first 'real' flashlight (a Surefire G2) just the other day with some help from these forums. It's really interesting to see how many people are into flashlights like this. I may have to check this board somewhat often.


Welcome to the forum.

Just a note regarding modding the G2.. It may be sensitive to extra heat put out by dropins. You might want to keep this in mind.
My first to was a Surefire. The Surefire L5 (KL5 now I have the KL5A). what can I say I got it at a good price.

You will get sucked in to the forum. I have not been here long and I am already saving up for more lights. :welcome:
A long time ago I had an LED light the size of a G2 but it had three LEDs instead of one.

After making a comment about how bright my little light was, someone said their Surefire would blow it out of the water.

Two years later I remembered that when I was interested in a light for the car. It took me 2 or 3 weeks to remember but finally it came to me: "SUREFIRE".

I bought the G2 the next day. I loved it, I shouldn't have swapped it for the G3. Not a fan of the oval beam.

My last purchase was a 6PL because I missed my G2. I just wanted it as an LED after realizing LEDs were where it's at now.

A P60L would be a good mod. It's stock in the G2L and 6PL. Bright enough for everything it was designed for.

You're wallet better be strong. You're going to destroy it with you're new addiction. Good luck.
Great first purchase! You might want to look into a nice LED drop-in for your light, it will help cut down on battery costs. But like previously mentioned, watch out for heat build-up since the light is all polymer. I would try to stay in the 100-150 lumen range to keep heat down.
Wow, thanks for all of the welcome posts.

I'm not too interested in modding my G2, mostly because I don't know too much about electronics and I don't want to mess it up. I primarily bought it to use as a taclight during airsoft (I run a team in SWFL). However, after receiving it and falling in love today, I think it'll be used for a lot more.

Later on I might get another flashlight to mod, but I like to think that it's always best to keep your first one stock.

Great first purchase!

I would have gotten a 6P or some other metal body P60 accepting lights(and not all of those are Surefires) because those handle LED drop-ins better. The heat frome the drop-ins don't conduct well through polymer so the LED could be damaged through extensive use(a metal head for the G2 would help with that). A metal body light would conduct the heat better. A drop-in is as it's name says, it drops into the light. No modifications required for most of them(A few of the Maglite drop-ins require a trimming of the reflector). It's as easy as swapping in a new bulb or lamp assembly.

There are a few LED drop-ins that work well in the G2. They drive the LED at a lower current so the LED creates less heat and doesn't need as much metal. Check the Malkoff M60L and M60LL(and variations of such). Both of them run longer and give you more output then the incan bulb.

Check here for drop-ins.
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The heat frome the drop-ins don't conduct well through polymer so the LED could be damaged through extensive use. A metal body light would conduct the heat better.

It should be fine if he has a G2 with an aluminum head.

@GhostBrother: Great first purchase, and welcome to CPF! :wave: