For those interested, I took a new set of pictures of LED lights. Since I don't have a camera that has a totally manual exposure control, I decided to use a C.C. Expedition as a reference light, to keep the camera's exposure relatively constant. Thus, I have a more accurate rendition of how bright these things *really* are in comparision to the C.C.
Go to to see the pictures. (my LED Museum domain is FULL, so I had to use a different one - but they're all my files in any case)
Right now there are only 15 pics, since I have to get new batteries for some of the lights (like the Millennium and some of the colored lights) before taking more. And some lights I no longer have, like the TurboSpyder and the Eternalight which were loaners, so I can't get their pictures taken in this manner. But most of the lights on my site will.
Go to to see the pictures. (my LED Museum domain is FULL, so I had to use a different one - but they're all my files in any case)
Right now there are only 15 pics, since I have to get new batteries for some of the lights (like the Millennium and some of the colored lights) before taking more. And some lights I no longer have, like the TurboSpyder and the Eternalight which were loaners, so I can't get their pictures taken in this manner. But most of the lights on my site will.