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Sold/Expired New product from the Atomic Coop!!! World's finest keychain GITD glow fob!


Newly Enlightened
Dec 23, 2006
I wish I can say that I got mine - but I am still waiting on my order :sigh:

I have sent you a private message again on here. Please send my order with a Signature Confirmation like I have asked you to and paid for.

This is getting pretty old I am very sorry to say. I have checked my mailbox today and still no order. :mecry:
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Jun 8, 2005
The Atomic Coop

I wish I can say that I got mine - but I am still waiting on my order :sigh:

I have sent you a private message again on here. Please send my order with a Signature Confirmation like I have asked you to and paid for.

This is getting pretty old I am very sorry to say. I have checked my mailbox today and still no order. :mecry:

Please re-send PM, my inbox was full and I've cleared it out now.

Best wishes,


Jun 10, 2002
Denver, CO
Posted 05/04/07 by AtomicChicken, 53 Days ago. I think I need faster shipping!


Originally Posted by MikeF
I placed my order 04/29/07. Has that order shipped or may I upgrade to V10 for the two Green Fobs?

You can upgrade... I'm doing all of the orders received so far as a single production run - and I haven't yet poured epoxy into any of them yet. You have until Saturday evening to upgrade, if you decide to... as I'll be pouring them all on Saturday evening or Sunday afternoon.

Best wishes,

Posted 05/07/07
Atomic_Chicken said:
Started pouring Epoxy+Glowpowder last night, I'll definitely have all the orders I've received so far shipped out this week.

Best wishes,
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Newly Enlightened
Dec 23, 2006
I have resent it again. Just in case your inbox was full and your hotmail is not working again. You will find all the data that you needed to know here at

#49 5/04/07
#78 6/18/07
#79 6/18/07
#82 6/19/07
#101 6/27/07

Thank you.


Please re-send PM, my inbox was full and I've cleared it out now.

Best wishes,


Sep 9, 2006
Northern Virginia
Whoa now! Geeez, some folks are really impatient - :poke:. :ohgeez:it's me! I was number 5 to order (post #9) and I have seen nothing in my mailbox.

AC, how about posting the shipping information for the items shipped to date? It might help those of us waiting (almost 60 days) for our key fobs. Oh, and why not ship in the order that the customer ordered and paid for the item? I would hate to think that only the squeaky wheel gets your attention - and shipment.

Before I go let me say "thank you" for making these very unique items available. From the photos, they look to be very well made. I wish you the best, and I sincerely hope that you sell every key fob that you make. That being said, I cannot help but wonder whether your turn-around-time has had a negative affect on your future sales.

Best regards,


Edit: AC posted before I finished typing my note.

AC, my post is still relevant. Can you post the CPF handle for the "one-half" of the key fob orders that you have shipped. That way I, and others, can make a decision as to what course to take. I really just want the key fobs and am hopeful (selfishly) that l am in the 1/2 shipped.

On another front - why not buy the building? Perhaps you can find an investor that would be willing to buy the property if you cannot make the stetch.

Still another front. Believe me, I do not want to kick a man when he is down, but most of the folks that ordered from you did so long before your stated time-frame pertaining to negotiations with your landlord. I have to believe that had you started earlier you could have filled most, if not all orders. Something to think about the next time you offer another project to the marketplace.
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Jun 8, 2005
The Atomic Coop

Nebula, please read the post above yours for some information on what's going on.

Best wishes,

Whoa now! Geeez, some folks are really impatient - :poke:. :ohgeez:it's me! I was number 5 to order (post #9) and I have seen nothing in my mailbox.

AC how about posting the shipping information for the items shipped to date? It might help those of us waiting (almost 60 days) for our key fobs. Oh, and why not ship in the order that the customer ordered and paid for the item? I would hate to think that only the squeaky wheel gets your attention - and shipment.

Before I go let me say "thank you" for making these very unique items available. From the photos, they look to be very well made. I wish you the best, and I sincerely hope that you sell every key fob that you make. That being said, I cannot help but wonder whether your turn around time has had a negative affect on your future sales.

Best regards,



Jun 8, 2005
The Atomic Coop

OK, Mr. Nebula... your post raises important questions, all of which deserve answers.

First off, regarding the order-priority and shipping scheduling, I need to be VERY clear about how this is done. I receive several orders per day from Paypal. The time-order in which the PAYPAL orders come in is the order of priority, and are assigned a 4-digit order number. The orders are printed, assigning the sequential order number, and are filed by order number and cross referenced by Paypal username for later reference. Production is done in batches. Up to this point, if a customer has ordered an Aviatrix mod and a GlowFob, I try to the best of my ability to ship both in the same package, in order to save on shipments and shipping fees - just as any other business would strive to do. I will do (let's say for instance) a batch of 10 Green and 5 Blue GlowFobs. After combining whatever dual-order customers, I take the rest and see how I can serve as many customers (ship as many orders) as possible given the GlowFobs left over from the batch. This means that if Cust. A has ordered 5 Glowfobs and customers B, C, and D have ordered one each, I will ship B,C, and D in order to satisfy the most customers possible from that batch quantity, then reserve the remaining two GlowFobs for the next batch with a "Priority" notation being put on Customer A so that he won't have to wait any longer than 1 extra cycle. I know that this will somewhat penalize customers who place larger orders, but it seems like the fairest way to me - without making a whole bunch of people wait while I devote most of a batch to one guy who just happened to send the "I'll Take 5" message first. This is why it can appear slightly skewed where guy #7 in line can wait an extra week or two while guy #5 already has his at his door... and guy #12 received his 3 weeks ago when his Aviatrix was shipped because of the random event where he just happened to order a GlowFob after having already waited 5 weeks to get his Aviatrix mod. If you have a better way to do it that better serves a diverse customer base and tries to attain the highest level of satisfaction for everyone involved, I'd love to hear your input.

OK... on to your next question.

I am unwilling (NOT unable!) to post the CPF ID's of everyone who has had their Aviatrix and GlowFob orders shipped. Here is the problem:

I have 4 fairly good sized folders full of Aviatrix and GlowFob order printouts, most of which I receive through Paypal payments. Two of the folders are "orders received" and two of the folders are "orders shipped". Quite often, the person who has placed the order has NOT included his CPF ID, and in other cases I've received orders from people who "lurk" CPF and haven't signed up - they see the product and place a Paypal order and they don't even HAVE a CPF ID to begin with! In order to list everyone who has had their order shipped, I would have to do extensive cross-indexing of email address vs. CPF ID, or post private email addresses, or try and track down the CPF ID based on email information from emails I've received (if they bothered to send one...) or some combination of the three... and I'm SERIOUSLY lacking in time to even do basic lookups for people inquiring as to the current status of their orders (although I do this anyway, as a heartfelt courtesy to my customers!). The logistics of what you are asking for are not impossible, just VERY hard and time consuming.

What I absolutely CAN say at this point (it being almost a week since the last packages shipped out) is this: If you have not already received your GlowFob or Aviatrix order by now, it WILL be included in the "after-the-shop-move" orders. Makes it very clear and simple to determine - without requiring long lists of CPF member IDs to be compiled.

Third question. Regarding my "getting production done sooner" and not having this problem if I'd just kept up with incoming orders. This is the hardest question for me to answer, and the most complex to try and convey reasonable thoughts about. Basically, it boils down to the issues raised when I replied to Peter's messages earlier in this thread, starting on 2007-06-21. I am doing all of this essentially as a "very little profit" hobby in service of Flashaholics from a fellow Flashaholic - I wanted to be able to offer these products (Aviatrix, GlowFobs) to other people because I designed them for ME to use... and had the impulse to share the good results of my creations. If I were to do this as a "for profit" business, I would rapidly go broke - at least with the prices I'm currently charging. My main business is electronic/mechanical design and consulting - and my mainstream clients (most of whom pay $75+ per hour) will always get priority over my CPF business. Unfair, greedy, elitist, whatever... call it what you want, it's simply the FACT of the matter and the nature of the CPF custom/modified beast (and why I'm NOT listed in the "dealers" section of the marketplace). If you want a refund, I'll HAPPILY give you a refund - but the thing that I will NOT do is to derail my business for something that is (for all practical purposes) a custom product that is priced VERY low (considering what you get!) and has somewhat (though not unreasonable) long lead-times combined with custom interaction (read: VERY good communication and attention to personal details like emitter colors, code variations, "For Tritium" options, etc.). These are things that a retail webfront or storefront would be hard-pressed to offer. So... why didn't I just "get on it" sooner and avoid this whole fiasco by shipping everything the day after I received an order? Short answer: because I need to make a living TOO... it's what makes all of this CPF stuff possible! Long answer: There are MANY conflicting interests that are consuming my time and attention every day, and I juggle them in the best way that I'm capable in order to satisfy as many people as possible... but I'm only human (with feathers) and can only do so much. I get about 3-5 hours of sleep every night due to a problem with insomnia, but even with this worktime advantage I often find myself overwhelmed with the demands placed on my by clients and home life (yes... I have a homelife, including girlfriend, yard, neighbors, and all the associated demands!).

Thank you for your kind comment thanking me for making these unique items available - I always appreciate it when someone comments positively on the designs I'm offering.

I'm hoping this answers your questions to your satisfaction... if you are angry with me or feel that any/all of this is some kind of cop-out, please feel free to request a refund - I'm more than happy to provide it. If, on the otherhand, you're willing to continue the wait until the package arrives, I'm here to assure you that you WON'T be disappointed... I wouldn't sell (and use!) these products if they weren't the BEST thing that I could make! :)

Best wishes,

Whoa now! Geeez, some folks are really impatient - :poke:. :ohgeez:it's me! I was number 5 to order (post #9) and I have seen nothing in my mailbox.

AC, how about posting the shipping information for the items shipped to date? It might help those of us waiting (almost 60 days) for our key fobs. Oh, and why not ship in the order that the customer ordered and paid for the item? I would hate to think that only the squeaky wheel gets your attention - and shipment.

Before I go let me say "thank you" for making these very unique items available. From the photos, they look to be very well made. I wish you the best, and I sincerely hope that you sell every key fob that you make. That being said, I cannot help but wonder whether your turn-around-time has had a negative affect on your future sales.

Best regards,


Edit: AC posted before I finished typing my note.

AC, my post is still relevant. Can you post the CPF handle for the "one-half" of the key fob orders that you have shipped. That way I, and others, can make a decision as to what course to take. I really just want the key fobs and am hopeful (selfishly) that l am in the 1/2 shipped.

On another front - why not buy the building? Perhaps you can find an investor that would be willing to buy the property if you cannot make the stetch.

Still another front. Believe me, I do not want to kick a man when he is down, but most of the folks that ordered from you did so long before your stated time-frame pertaining to negotiations with your landlord. I have to believe that had you started earlier you could have filled most, if not all orders. Something to think about the next time you offer another project to the marketplace.
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Sep 9, 2006
Northern Virginia
First let me say that it is rather presumptuous of you to assume that I am mad about this turn of events. Hardly. I don't waste my time on anger. The reason for my initial post was to point out a few of the fallacies in your several posts on the subject. Your response to my post further exposes the illogical nature of your argument, thus necessitating further comment on my part.

You state that you have shipped "one-half" of the keychain glow fob orders, yet you refuse to tell me whether my order has been shipped. While I can appreciate your circumstance, I don't necessarily follow the logic of your "explanation." If, as you say, one-half the orders have been shipped then I should have received my order by now. Unless, one-half of the orders have not shipped. Since you have declined - for a variety of reasons - to list the orders shipped, I have taken the liberty - and MY time - to put a list together for you. Please feel free to use my work if it will help you organize your records.

CPF Name Order Date Green/Blue Date Received

1. Peter Atwood - 4/28/07 2/1 6/25/07
2. Aluminum Junkie 4/28/07 2/1 Unknown
3. Maddog 4/28/07 2/0 Unknown
4. Pokerstud 4/28/07 1/ Unknown
5. Nebula 4/28/07 1/1 NO
6. Jefft 4/29/07 1/1 Unknown
7. cbdudley 4/29/07 1/1 Week of June 25
8. Silversurfer 4/29/07 1/ Unknown
9. Uriah 4/29/07 1/1 6/21/07
10. DM51 4/29/07 4/0 Unknown
11. Iocheretyanny 4/29/07 1/1 Unknown
12. Pokerstud (2nd order) 4/29/07 2/0 Unknown
13. MikeF 4/29/07 2/2 Unknown
14. Dizney 4/29/07 3/3 Unknown
15. underdust 4/30/07 3/0 Unknown
16. Phredd 4/30/07 2/0 Unknown
17. Planterz 5/03/07 1/0 Unknown
18. Knighthood 5/04/07 3/0 Unknown
19. GeorgeM 5/04/07 1/1 Unknown
20. I1s125 5/05/07 1/0 Unknown
21. Quickbeam 5/18/07 ?/? Unknown
22. Mick410 6/19/07 2/0 Unknown

As you can plainly see, most of the orders were for small quantities. There were only 9 keychain glow fobs ordered ahead of me. By my tally, posted orders on CPF come to 50, exclusive of Quickbeam's order (he did not post the quantity). Let's assume that you had an additional twenty-five ordered off site or through PM. Assuming also that you have shipped "one-half" as you have asserted, that means that approximately thirty-seven keychain fobs have been "shipped." If what you say is correct, then clearly my order should have been among those "shipped." Because I have not received your package, and because by my count only 7 keychain glow fobs have been received, I have to assume that your attestation that "one-half"of the orders have been shipped is without merit. Further, your summary explanation is equally without merit. To-wit:

"I will do (let's say for instance) a batch of 10 Green and 5 Blue GlowFobs. After combining whatever dual-order customers, I take the rest and see how I can serve as many customers (ship as many orders) as possible given the GlowFobs left over from the batch. This means that if Cust. A has ordered 5 Glowfobs and customers B, C, and D have ordered one each, I will ship B,C, and D in order to satisfy the most customers possible from that batch quantity, then reserve the remaining two GlowFobs for the next batch with a "Priority" notation being put on Customer A so that he won't have to wait any longer than 1 extra cycle. I know that this will somewhat penalize customers who place larger orders, but it seems like the fairest way to me - without making a whole bunch of people wait while I devote most of a batch to one guy who just happened to send the "I'll Take 5" message first. This is why it can appear slightly skewed where guy #7 in line can wait an extra week or two while guy #5 already has his at his door... and guy #12 received his 3 weeks ago when his Aviatrix was shipped because of the random event where he just happened to order a GlowFob after having already waited 5 weeks to get his Aviatrix mod."

Let's explore this a little further shall we? On a number of occassions you posted in response to inquiries that you were shipping, had shipped, planned to ship, etc.

Post #41 (dated 5/03/07) - "If you've already placed an order, let me know RIGHT AWAY, as I'm planning on pouring the epoxy for the first batch of fobs on Saturday or Sunday, so I can hopefully ship them all out on Monday."

Post #57 (dated 5/07/07) - "Started pouring Epoxy+Glowpowder last night, I'll definitely have all the orders I've received so far shipped out this week."

Post #64 (dated 5/17/07) - "I know a lot of you have been waiting for 2 weeks or more for your GlowFobs - but you won't have to wait much longer, and you'll have a better product when you do receive it."

Post #68 (dated 6/03/07) - "Yes... but only a small handful so far (less than 10). The big group of packages will go out on Tues. of next week - after I get back in town."

Post #77 (Dated 6/14/07)
Uriah - Any Update on a shipping date??
"I believe yours was packaged for shipping today... but I did several so I'll have to check my records tomorrow when I'm back in the office again to be sure."

I don't mean to be rude here, but as I count it only THREE CPFers have received a keychain glow fob shipment from you. Two of whom did so only after posting inquiries in this thread. I have to assume that there have been additional deliveries otherwise this thread would be saturated with demands for shipment. Personally I want to give you the benifit of doubt, but you make it rather difficult with your excursive post. I remain optomistic that your situation will improve and that you will have success in your future endeavors. One way to ensure success is to bust your butt and ship your products.

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Aug 15, 2006
Central VA
Just wanted to let everyone know that my Glow-Fobs arrived earlier this week. They are very well made, and I am quite pleased with them.

I'm not sure exactly where I was in line, but I believe that I was one of the first to order them after they were announced.

Have faith, guys, the Chicken will come through!


Sep 9, 2006
Northern Virginia
You were number seven on the posted orders. BTW- since we both live in VA I should have received mine last week as well. Thanks for letting me know.

Just wanted to let everyone know that my Glow-Fobs arrived earlier this week. They are very well made, and I am quite pleased with them.

I'm not sure exactly where I was in line, but I believe that I was one of the first to order them after they were announced.

Have faith, guys, the Chicken will come through!


Jun 8, 2005
The Atomic Coop

Nebula... it's apparent that you are unsatisfied with my explanations, unhappy with my service, and upset enough to do compile lists and research through past threads. OK - whatever makes you happy.

I personally have MUCH more pressing crisis situations to attend to currently, I cannot afford to take the time to go over everything in detail with you, and I'm not currently at my office/shop where the records for such an endeavor anyway. This last few days have been a nightmare for me, and it's only going to get worse before it gets better... and I'm NOT referring to GlowFob and CPF issues when I say that.

I'll keep this simple. You are unhappy with the time it's taken to ship GlowFobs. You aren't the first (see Peter's posts above) and you most likely won't be the last. Please either ask for a refund, or wait it out. You're free to continue researching the situation, making negative and/or "motivational" posts on this thread if you want to (it's a free forum!) but it won't change the situation. Get the entire forum riled up with pitchforks, torches, and tar/feathers if that's your end goal... I assure you that it still won't change anything on my end. Please don't misinterpret that - it's not a callous disregard for your anger regarding the situation or a statement that I don't care. It's simply a matter of FACT and pragmatism in response to current circumstances.

It would be nice if I could magically have all GlowFobs and 2nd Gen. Avaitrix mods out the door today... but that's not possible. I've offered the best option to my customers that I currently have - a full refund and honesty regarding the long wait ahead, if they should choose to continue waiting. Please choose one or the other - there is NO third option and all the posts/lists/PM's you want to engage in will not change it.

Best wishes,


Jun 8, 2005
The Atomic Coop

Just wanted to let everyone know that my Glow-Fobs arrived earlier this week. They are very well made, and I am quite pleased with them.

I'm not sure exactly where I was in line, but I believe that I was one of the first to order them after they were announced.

Have faith, guys, the Chicken will come through!

Thank you for the support. :)

Best wishes,


Jun 19, 2007
Re: New product from the Atomic Coop!!!

Impressive. Nebula, I cannot help but wonder if your time would not be better spent on anger. :crackup:
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Sep 9, 2006
Northern Virginia

Nebula... it's apparent that you are unsatisfied with my explanations, unhappy with my service, and upset enough to do compile lists and research through past threads. OK - whatever makes you happy.

Bawko - I am not dissatisfied with your explanation, I am perplexed by it. I am not unhappy with your service as I have yet to recieve such. Nor am I upset about anything you have done. I am sorry that you have to move. Moreover, I understand completely your desire to make the best of a bad situation. That being said, it is you, and you alone, that is responsible for the circustance now confronting you. No, I am not speaking of your landlord/tenant situation.

I personally have MUCH more pressing crisis situations to attend to currently, I cannot afford to take the time to go over everything in detail with you, and I'm not currently at my office/shop where the records for such an endeavor anyway. This last few days have been a nightmare for me, and it's only going to get worse before it gets better... and I'm NOT referring to GlowFob and CPF issues when I say that.

I too have much more pressing matters that need my attention. The last thing that I want to do is to take you away from your immediate concerns. Please understand that you have my sympathy and my understanding. My initial e-mail and post asking about shipment occurred long ago. Yesterday's post was the direct result of your not responding to my inquiry. Unfortunately you posted the news of your eviction while I was typing my note. I edited my post to cover your news. That should have been the end of it. It was not. I can hardly be expected to refrain from responding - especially where I see a history of prevarication on your part.

I'll keep this simple. You are unhappy with the time it's taken to ship GlowFobs. You aren't the first (see Peter's posts above) and you most likely won't be the last. Please either ask for a refund, or wait it out. You're free to continue researching the situation, making negative and/or "motivational" posts on this thread if you want to (it's a free forum!) but it won't change the situation. Get the entire forum riled up with pitchforks, torches, and tar/feathers if that's your end goal... I assure you that it still won't change anything on my end. Please don't misinterpret that - it's not a callous disregard for your anger regarding the situation or a statement that I don't care. It's simply a matter of FACT and pragmatism in response to current circumstances.

I am not unhappy. I am disapointed. That said, I am happy to wait for you to re-establish your business in another location. This has never been about the money - or the product. I have had lights in the build queue for much longer than your project has taken. I understand that these custom made items take time, energy and money so I wait. You will not find a single post on this forum, or any other, where I have crticized a builder in any way. I simply don't work that way. The ONLY reason I posted in your thread is because you represented on numerous occassions that orders were shipped. In fact, you continue to represent that one-half of the orders have shipped. Who is to say? Clearly you do not maintain records. Or if you do, they aparently cannot be cross-referrenced in any meaningful way.

What I do not know AND simply want to learn is whether my order has shipped. For all I know you may have shipped it long ago and it is lost somewhere in the ether. If you can answer this simple question - has my order shipped - with a simple YES or NO then I can make an informed decision as to what to do about my order. Is my request really that burdensome?

Please understand that it has never been my itent to motivate others to post - negative or otherwise. It has been my intent to point out that you have not been as candid and forthcoming as you would like to believe. By your own words, your "situation" with your landlord has been on-going for several months. Had you let people know sooner your openess and candor would have been rightly praised - certainly by me.

It would be nice if I could magically have all GlowFobs and 2nd Gen. Avaitrix mods out the door today... but that's not possible. I've offered the best option to my customers that I currently have - a full refund and honesty regarding the long wait ahead, if they should choose to continue waiting. Please choose one or the other - there is NO third option and all the posts/lists/PM's you want to engage in will not change it.

Your "solution" is not as simple as you suggest. Answer my question and I will answer yours. It cannot be the other way around.

In closing, as I see it you have little alternative given the actions taken by your landlord. But please try to take a little time and put together a list of buyers that correctly cross-referrences the CPF handle with the PayPal information. We may all be waiting a long time and memories tend to fade.

Thank you and all the best. Kirk

Best wishes,
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Sep 9, 2006
Northern Virginia
If you actually mean that, I suggest you cease wasting his time by obliging him to respond to your interminable posts.

Actually I do mean it. I only asked that he answer a VERY simple question. His verbose responses are his own doing - or perhaps undoing as the case may be.

BTW - is there a reason for the cheap shot? It seems to me that you could have made your point without making it personal. Something to think about.
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