New RRT-2 standby mode function problem Help?


Feb 23, 2009
I just bought a new RRT-2 Jetbeam when I put the light in to standby mode it will blink or stay in hi mode.If I let the light warm up 1 minute plus the stand by mode will function correctly.But if its cold it will do the 2 things listed above or after it cools down it will start to flicker. Whats is wrong?? Ive put it on the Multimeter with no tail cap same thing happens.

Ive spoken with the dealer they will exchange it but they want to look at it and have me ship it to them priority mail.I dont want to have to spend 6 bucks to ship it to them and be with out the light.I think the dealer should ship me a new light with a return postage for the defective one.Ive had the light less then 48 hrs.

How do most dealers handle exchanges???
The RRT-2 I just received does not have the problem you describe, yours must have a glitch.

Mine did arrive with chips in the anodizing, was the wrong color, and had the wrong reflector. I have also been asked to return the light for exchange, kind of silly when it is damaged and wasn't even the one listed on the invoice. You'll have to send it back and ask for the shipping you paid to be refunded.

This is what you call poor customer service.
One things for sure if you but hi end american things such as Surefire they dont hesitate for one second to send out the new one first or any replacement part.