New Streamlight Protac series and More


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 30, 2003
Connecticut, USA
Streamlight's website has the new Protac series. There's are 1x123, 2x123, 1xAA and 2xAA models. These look pretty nice; I wonder what the pricing is going to be like.

There are other models as well, including an HP (larger reflector) variant of the Strion and Polytac series.
The new Ploytac HP looks nice. If it was Xenon or warm/neutral tint, I would consider getting one...3Cell would be even better.
That PolyTac HP does look interesting.

Still hoping for an updated ProPoly 4AA.
I have been a on and off fan of streamlight....but if the new lights are anything in output like my Stinger led HP... They might really be worth looking into.
Dream-light: A ProPoly that takes P60 drop-ins!:twothumbs
Dream-light: A ProPoly that takes P60 drop-ins!:twothumbs
And if I were Streamlight, I wouldn't touch that one with a 10' pole. :)

In theory, I like the idea as well, and have even toyed with the idea of making a P60 adapter for my ProPoly host, but I don't see any incentive for Streamlight to make such a light.

The market for it would basically be us. And, most of us would do something silly like use high current P7/MC-E/SST-50 drop-ins. And, then we'd complain to Streamlight about the host killing our drop-ins in short order.

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