New stuff at jsburlys?

According to the blurb, it's supposed to compatible only with the VME head - but the VME was designed to fit the SF E-series.

If anyone gets the chance, I'm curious to know if the twisty body will fit a C bezel with an E2C adapter.

Will the high low switch ring work with the VME head w/ a malkoff drop in inside?

Never mind. I see that all the M30s' are completely sold out.... :(
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It want work. The Hi/Lo switch only works with the Malkoff MD2 heads. Back to JSBurlys. That 2xAA body looks cool, I will be buying one of those for sure.
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There are 2 of them, a 1 and a 2 cell.
On those bodies the whole rear end is the clicky. It the same Kroll that is used on the MD2 bodies just without any shroud.

I have one on a mini-mag just like that. Also the Kroll of today is far better than it used to be.
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I have the Valliant 1 x 123 clicky with the kroll switch. It's nice and a good value. It's kind of odd that the anodizing doesn't match the VME head (the VME is semi-glossy, the new Valliant clicky is matte).

In my experience, JS Burley's is a great dealer and Valliant is a great manufacturer.
I think Rothrandir just cannibalized further sales of his Arc->E adapter. :)

That 2x123 twisty body ought to make for some interesting (and compact) options.
You are right!
It is here with me now and it works well on the VME head but the thing is so short that Surefire E series stuff doesn't work. The batteries sit right at the top of the tube so the Surefire driver package can't get in there deep enough to make negative contact. Just crushes the cells. Now I thought maybe a 17500 would do it but no it's too short. I'll rig up a custom spacer tonight and see how it goes.

However as is this makes a tiny malkoff carry light that does not sacrifice any power. A 17670 cell fits fine for M30 fans. I added small tight o-rings where the body is grooved and I can now do 1 handed operation. Before I did that I couldn't manage because the head o-ring is a bit oversized. I suppose I could of replaced that instead of putting them on the body but I like the ribs. I am very pleased with the item overall and the HA is well done. It's a bit of a shame it's not fully E compatible but I won't fault it as the tube was not intended to be so.
Sarge, did you lube the oring? The oring groove on the twisties are cut to the same dimensions as other e-series parts, and also share the same size oring (017). On a part that needs to be able to twist with relative ease, yet not come off unintentionally it can be hard to find a happy medium, but I find that when the oring is lubricated well it is easy enough to operate one handed if need be.

In regards to the twisty bodies not working on non-VME heads, the reason is that with a twisty body you have a very narrow window of engagement for the batteries (especially with the very short threading on e-series compatible threads). The very first twisty bodies were made (and sat on a shelf half-finished) long before the VMEs ever existed. They were two pieces to allow for different battery lengths and to compensate for the very short thread length on the e-series compatible lights. Since the M60 has a spring, this extra travel was not required for use with the VME head, and most people simply snugged the two pieces of the body together and used it as if it were one piece anyway.
The old twisty bodies (which I believe there are still a few of left on JSBurly's) will work with regular e-series heads (by screwing the top piece firmly into the e-head and twisting on/off at the joint between the two body pieces), whereas the new ones will only work with the VME.

I do have a website now ( and I'm hoping to get these twisty bodies on there soon (with a bunch of pictures), but my website guy has been slacking off. It's so hard to find good help nowadays :p

Now about the clicky bodies not matching the VME heads perfectly, the anodizer messed them up and had to redo them, which gave them more of a matte finish. I decided to put them up at a discounted price (they cost more to produce than the twisty bodies, especially once you add the tailcap) with the disclaimer that they do not match perfectly, for those who still wanted one. If these ever sell out, the next batch will match the heads properly and likely cost a few dollars more apiece.
Lube....... Ehh yeah sure! (Sneaks off to apply lube)
Really I did but I should of done a better job. Besides the 013 o-rings look great in the grooves!

I like the body and hope you keep on turning out the neat products. I will be watching your new site for more items.
I do have a website now ( and I'm hoping to get these twisty bodies on there soon (with a bunch of pictures), but my website guy has been slacking off.

Hmm... what's this? Or specifically, what does it do to a Mag D body?

You've got a sharp eye GS ;)

That is a prototype part that I made quite a while back to use an e-series head on a D-cell Mag body. There is also a M-series version.
It's something I'd like to pick up again eventually, but with the amount of work involved and the questionable demand for such an item, it has been placed on the back burner.
I thought I had some pictures of it in use (with an e-series head and an M4 devastator head), but they're not on the website. They must be on the home computer, I might see about posting them later if there is interest.
That is a prototype part that I made quite a while back to use an e-series head on a D-cell Mag body. There is also a M-series version.
It's something I'd like to pick up again eventually, but with the amount of work involved and the questionable demand for such an item, it has been placed on the back burner.
Nice. I can understand you putting it on hold, but my interest is always piqued by D cell options. I even toyed with the idea of building a P60 adapter for a Mag D bezel in a machining class I had this past spring.

I thought I had some pictures of it in use (with an e-series head and an M4 devastator head), but they're not on the website. They must be on the home computer, I might see about posting them later if there is interest.
Definitely interested! :popcorn: