"New" Ti Ion - damaged?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 8, 2007

I recently purchased a Ti Ion in "New" condition, but I have found some gouging marks on the bezel - looks to me like it was stuck in a vise or visegrips. Someone mentioned this is normal for these lights, is it?




Also it looks like the retaining ring in the head has a broken end.


What do you guys think, for a light that was adverised as new?


Perhaps they are machining marks since TI is hard to machine compared to softer metals. Perhaps the knurling machine did that or something?
I'm looking at my Ti Ion XT right now and don't see any of the "vise-grip" marks on the knurling. However, the retaining ring on the head on my light looks like yours..... so that's normal I think. Unless both of ours are broken.

That's what the retaining rings look like (the opening lets you put them in place and/or remove them).

Those marks on the bezel might've been produced by the tool used when securing the window? Did you buy it "new" from Enrique, or "new" on BST?
Also have old and new Ti CR2 Ion and knurling on bezel is "perfect" on both.

Retaining rings are just like yours pictured.

Hi Dusty-

I had an Ion with knurling that very similar to yours, and a retaining ring that was also very similar to yours. Both were how I received it new from Endeavour (the manufacturer), and I took it as just part of being a custom light. (Looking at the retaining ring now, you're right - it does look broken - I thought that's how they looked!)

I never carried the light once - just used it for testing, and moved on. I did sell the light shortly thereafter (not to you). There was one tiny tiny ding on the tail end of the light as well.

If this is the same light that I had, it's exactly how it came from Endeavour. If it's not acceptable to you, I'm sure you can contact him. :shrug:

Further, had I known that the knurling on everyone else's Ti Ion XT's was perfect, and that the retaining ring shouldn't look like it did, I would NOT have accepted it and would have returned it to Endeavour for immediate fixing. If I am the original owner of the light, and even if I didn't sell it to you, if I can help in ANY way, please PM me - I'd be happy to lend a hand. :)

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I bought one second-hand but "new" and it had similar marks on the knurling.
With the eye I really had to search for them but when spinning it in my fingers they were easily detected by feel.
That I could feel them when spinning in one direction but not the other I took to mean that it was a manufacturing oddity and not after-market damage but maybe I was wrong.
Here's the picture of the Ion I had - you can see the same knurling pattern on the head on my photo as in yours. :shrug:

That's a nice pic (and lanyard), J. At some point would you consider posting a "how to take good pics" thread? :poke:
greenLED said:
That's a nice pic (and lanyard), J. At some point would you consider posting a "how to take good pics" thread? :poke:
Wait - the photo tutorial is supposed to be WP's job!!! I'm amateur at best compared to his skills!

The laynard is ok - shotty construction though... :nana: Just kidding - I am a proud owner of 3 greenLED lanyards... look for a photo later tonight of one of my other ones, and the light that it's connected to... :whistle:
My Ion XT's bezel is completely undamaged, but the retaining ring has a gap like the one in your photo.
Hi Dusty, welcome to CPF, from your pictures, it does look damaged maybe as you have said from a vice or some sort. I think contacting your seller in this case is justified if it was advertised as new. As for a retaining ring, thats normal, if it was a washer then its broken. All the best in resolving your issue........

I just wrote Enrique (CPF's Endeavour, maker of the CR2 Ion), linking to this thread, and explaining the situation, and as the original owner of the light, I can vouch that the knurling was like that when I bought it. I asked Enrique what he could do about that, as well as the retaining ring. Please email Enrique at [email protected], and let him know who you are, and let's get this figured out. :) I'm happy to lend a hand however I can.

It seems as though everyone's retaining ring is like that, so that probably isn't an issue. :shrug:

Thanks for your help, John! Dusty, I'll work with you on this until things get resolved - as the one who sold the light to you, but was not aware of the marks while I had it nor before I sold it to you. However, the close-up photos you took show something is up, and I will await Endeavor's reply as well. Btw, as with John, I didn't carry this on my keychain or use in a vise either =) Only carried in a full-coverage belt holster for a couple days.
Dusty said:

I recently purchased a Ti Ion in "New" condition, but I have found some gouging marks on the bezel - looks to me like it was stuck in a vise or visegrips. Someone mentioned this is normal for these lights, is it?

Was it made in China, may I ask? :D