New to the forum


Newly Enlightened
Mar 1, 2009
Alberta, Canada
Hi....I have been lurking around here for months and slowing getting addicted.

I have managed to purchased a Romisen RC-N3 Q5 and a Jetbeam Jet-III M without too many questions from the wife.

I also have a Tenergy charger with 900 mAh rcr123a's. I thought it was a good idea because I could use the batteries in both lights....I am a little nervous about the rcr123's in series and wouldn't mind hearing some comments from the experienced. Could you also comment on the usage of a 18650 li-on versus the rcr123's....thanks for all the great info past and future.
Welcome Trailbasher! This is a great place to spend time and to learn a lot! I'll let others more knowledgeable than myself answer your 123 question.
Thanks BVH for your reply....others did not even give me the standard "search and read" reply. I have read through a mountain of info and it isn't easy for everyone to decipher what's being stated. I guess I will go it alone or try to come up with a post that is worthy to the others.
Not sure I'd classify myself as "more experienced" but here's what I can give you. I've used rcr123's in an EZnite HID - 4 in series. These are fairly safe Li-ions with their built-in protection. Even still, I always made sure I checked finish-charged voltage about 30 minutes after coming off the charger to ensure they were close. They always were so I used them and did not worry. Come to think of it, I run 4 in my quad cyan - unprotected.

If given the option of using 1 Li-on instead of two, I would always opt for that. I'd still go for the protected version.

Incidentally, the Tenergy's are definitely not 900 mah. That is pretty common knowledge around here.
Thanks for the tips....I have been measuring the voltage before/after charging.

Jumped the gun buying the rechargables from what I have been reading....
generally single or parellel is always better than series, when its possible to use both.
a PROTECTED li-ion rechargable should be a teeny bit "safer" than a regular primary lithium when in series, just because it has more mechanisms to prevent any of the issues that can occur in series arrangements especially.

a good quality cell itself, that has all the proper protections, is "safer" than a knock-off with bad specs , poor safety, and now even poor safety records too. I say that just because that can be more significant sometimes, not to specify any particular items.

Not to say that any of it is "unsafe" when speaking in relative terms, like a flat tire in the front on the freeway , would be worse than some of the bad things that have happened to batteries, and a flat is more likly.

most of the drivers which use BOTH the 3.6v single OR the 2x123 run a bit lower in total output with the single, according to lots of graphs, long runtime with lots of capacity in the 18650, and even longer , depending on the driver, it might run a bit lower. giving you a best of both scenario. use the 18650 for longevity of everything as drive might be lower, and 2x 123 for the short punch, as things are more likly to be driven harder.
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the military can be fed with 2 CR123s?

Isnt that a single 18650 light?
i did just read a thread, where a 2x123 user , said that the Li-Ion higher voltage rechargable toasted his light which uses the same battery configuration in a similar light.
it makes no sence to me AT ALL, most of the 2x (not 1x) lithium flashlight drivers can handle about 9Volts total input.

and as you can see in the specs there they say 15V, and OK the RCR123.

so it should be very good to go, with all 3 of the types it can use, with the single 18650 just running a bit lower, and dwindling down, which is par.

if there would be any question or issue, that is not normal or "safe" use it would be if you mess with UN-protected RCR123.
the protection will insure that any series problems , like reverse discharge would not exist (as long as the protection is working).
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