New Toy: Cree Modded SF L6 by CM (w/ pics!)


Jul 20, 2006
Irvine, CA
Hey all, I just wanted to share with you my new toy. With the Cree SF's coming out, I was feeling a little down that my L6 was going to be obsolete. That's when I found out about the Cree mod that CPF member CM was doing, so I decided not to be left in the dark! This is a P4 Cree with its bias bump up to 1A.

Here are the numbers that CM gave me:

The total output (bouncing the light off the
> ceiling) increased 69% from
> 9.8 lux to 16.6 with the Cree. This test was
> performed by placing the
> lightmeter on the counter in an interior bathroom
> (no windows) and
> measuring the reflected light from the KL6 placed
> about 6ft off the
> ground shining the light at the ceiling.
> The second test measured lux at about 3ft distance
> Total lux increased
> 196% from 2740lux to 8100lux. This is expected since
> a single emitter
> has a tighter beam compared to the four emitters of
> the Lux V.

> You should get over two hours on 2x123's and
> probably about the same
> (maybe less) as with 2xRCR123's. You can run these
> with up to four
> 123's, and 3 lithium ions with a corresponding
> increase in runtime. I
> estimate about 3 hours with 3x123's and 2 and a half
> hours with
> 3xRCR123's.





Control shot: ISO800 F3.5 1/100sec. I had ambiant light in my room just so that there's something relative to compare with. It's a 21W compact fluorescent bulb in a desklamp.

At 10 feet, the hotspot is a tight 5". AW 2 x 17500.

Compared to a SL TL-3 also on 2 x 17500's. The Cree KL6 is WAY more powerful than the factory Lux V, but the TL-3 is simply a beast.

2 stops underexposed. ISO800 F3.5 1/500sec

I am very impressed with the CM's craftsmanship. My L6 now throws a sharp needle of light with an extremely powerful spill. I'm thinking about getting a Leef body and putting in 18650's.
Looks just like my CM modded KL6. This is my favorite long running bright SF led mod, great beam and sidespill, like yours. Sounds like CM gave the approval for three LiIon's. I have the Leef 18650 body, and am running two RCR123's, and the draw is 530mA's from the batteries. I could not get one 18650 to regulate. For really long runtime I use two 18650's, in a bored out L6 body and bored out A19. It is just a great mod.

Bullzeyebill said:
Looks just like my CM modded KL6. This is my favorite long running bright SF led mod, great beam and sidespill, like yours. Sounds like CM gave the approval for three LiIon's. I have the Leef 18650 body, and am running two RCR123's, and the draw is 530mA's from the batteries. I could not get one 18650 to regulate. For really long runtime I use two 18650's, in a bored out L6 body and bored out A19. It is just a great mod.


I use 3xRCR123's which sag a bit so it's pretty safe. 3x18650's I probably still wouldn't run though. This too is my favorite long run and bright mod. Now if Surefire will make them so I don't have to mod them :devil:
How big or smaller the hotspot of the ori LuxV compared to the Creed KL6? This is a cool modd. Better runtime and overall performance.......would you share the cost associated for such mod?
The hotspot is much tighter than the Lux V. I'd say about 1/2-1/3 of it. But here's the thing, the corona of the Cree is the probably the same size as the hot spot Lux. To describe in words, it seems as though the Cree mod is like a brighter version of a Lux V, but with the addition of a tight BRIGHT hot spot in the center. Think of a pyramid- super bright narrow beam in the center, bright corona that is equivalent of the Lux V spot, and then a bright spill beam (light directly from the led that doesn't hit the reflector). Hope this helps.

I suggest you PM CM directly for the quote. I'll say that it's worth it and a reasonable price considering the retail price of an L6 is about $280. I would also add that he was very fast yet meticulous. I sent it out Thursday and got it back Wednesday. I was not about to let a flashlight that costed me so much become obsolete when the new L5 comes out.
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|\|ice mod on the L6 !!
Does anyone know the height and diameter of the reflector ?
I have two SF KL6 LED conversion heads coming too..
one for convert my SF M900A to LED version.
another one for convert my SF M560A to LED Version too..

btw, Good job CM!!