New ZTS battery tester- confirms Ultralast batts are garbage!


Newly Enlightened
Nov 29, 2008
I just got my ZTS Pulse Load Multi-battery tester (Mini-mbt) and I must say that I am very impressed with the quality and build of this tester, I'm very happy with my purchase (Got if from battery junction with the 5% off coupon for about $25 or so). For anyone sitting on the fence for a good tester, this one doesn't dissapoint.

Of course the first thing I did was get out some of my CR123's to test, especially the Ultralasts that I had.. after all the reviews here I had a lot of suspicions that mine were in fact garbage also. Recently I went 1/2 with my brother who ordered a 20 pack from Botach Tactical (yeah I know, I've read about their reputation since) so I had 8 left to test.... Here's how they scored

Brand new NIB Ultralasts:
2- 60%
4- 40%
2- 20%

I tested each battery 4-5 times, there's no doubt they are GARBAGE!!!

I then pulled out 5 Sanyo's that I also bought from Botach about 4 years ago, and every one tested at 100%!!! 2 other Energizers I tested also tested at 100%.

Anyways, be careful if you have Ultrafires, from everything I've read they are ALL GARBAGE!! If anyone has gotten any differnt results, I'd like to hear it...

Here's a quick pic of my new tester -

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Re: New ZTS battery tester- confirms Ultrafire batts are garbage!

Ultrafire or Ultralast?

The battery in your picture is an Ultralast.
Re: New ZTS battery tester- confirms Ultrafire batts are garbage!

The battery is called UltraLast, meaning the lowest last position on the battery performance chart. There is no misunderstanding with the battery's name.
Re: New ZTS battery tester- confirms Ultrafire batts are garbage!

The battery is called UltraLast, meaning the lowest last position on the battery performance chart. There is no misunderstanding with the battery's name.

:crackup: Good one! I stopped using chinese lithium cells, for the most part they have all been garbage. A BS CR2 that came with one of my lights dated coded 0505 tested at 20%. BS CR123s are a different matter, they are now US made cells.
Re: New ZTS battery tester- confirms Ultrafire batts are garbage!

My bad, UltraLAST of course!! :oops:

If possible it wouldn't hurt to edit your thread title to show this, as you did put Ultrafire. At first, I thought you meant RCR123 which the ZTS tester you bought won't test. For that you would need the more expensive model, the ZTS-MBT-1. But, then there was quite a bit of controversy on the worthiness of this pulse tester anyhow.

But thanks for sharing!
Re: New ZTS battery tester- confirms Ultrafire batts are garbage!

Yes...your thread title says "UltraFire"........not ultralast
Sorry for the confusion guys, I figured out how to change the title.

I just recieved a shipment of Rayovac from Botach, and I must say that they have all scored out 100%! review to follow on that later in a different thread, however...
Live-n-learn... I got suckered into buying 50 UltraLast batteries at a gun show. I thought I was getting a bargain.. Ha Ha. The joke was on me. After reading about the UltraLast battery explosion, I got out my ZTS tester and tested them. (In my defense I didn't own the ZTS when I purchased them). Here are the results from 46 "new" batteries with a date code of 4-07:

3 batteries are at 80%
23 batteries are at 60%
14 batteries are at 40%
6 batteries are at 20%
0 batteries at 100%

I will never purchase another UltraLast battery again. Period. They have been added to my permanently banned list of manufacturers along with Energizer (for their NiMH 2500's fiascso) And more than likely, I will never purchase another primary battery that was made in China again either.:thumbsdow:thumbsdow.

Someday I will learn. I probably should have researched them 1st, but I was at the show...If this is the worst mistake I ever make, I will have gotten away very cheaply indeed. Odds are pretty good that eventually I would have paired one of the 20% batteries with one of the 60% batteries.

Now I am off to order some Panasonic or Surefire 123's. Fortunately for me, I have been phasing out my 123 lights, so I don't need that many anymore. But I still have a couple of lights that I can't part with...
I have the ZTS tester and absolutely love it!!
The Battery Tester Looks Cool: Here is my new little Doodle with a New Set of eneloops 8 pack :grin2:

( I would like to ask is there another Way of Uploading Pictures other than using the URL i tried that it did Not Work )

It says in Post permissions i cannot add Attachments! On other Forums i'v been on this is the only Way i have added my pictures and with no Difficulties.. Thanks B-52
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( I would like to ask is there another Way of Uploading Pictures other than using the URL i tried that it did Not Work )

It says in Post permissions i cannot add Attachments! On other Forums i'v been on this is the only Way i have added my pictures and with no Difficulties.. Thanks B-52
See Posting photos for information on how to post photos on CPF using an image host.
Personally, I use ImageShack like Illum shows here.
Thanks Treek13 i'll have a Look @ what you mentioned.!

I put one of my picture on here that i took with my Smart phone i send the picture to Google as i have always done then from there i upload it to my Computer from there..

There are two other Forums that i Visit and they allow pictures with the attachment option but Since this option is not available on here i guess i will have to figure out another Way as i mention to put my picture on here). I put one on here but it soon went to a small Box were No one could See it or i guess it couldn't be looked at . Its kind of a bummer when that happens.. :shakehead

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