Newbie Introduction


Newly Enlightened
Aug 11, 2009
Hi, all! Love this forum!

I'm Jeff. I'm 36, and I live in Houston, TX. Just found this place, and I'm blown away by all of the information here. I have much to learn!

I use flashlights for hunting and fishing (including kayak fishing, and I'll probably end up building an all-around (360 deg.) light for my kayak at some point), and for general use around the house when hurricanes blow the lights out...

I've never owned a fancy flashlight, but I'm intrigued by them. A friend of mine a couple of years back modded a light - on the cheap - and made it look to my eyes like a spotlight... I wanted one, and now I'm determined to learn how to build one!

I can be a bit obsessive, but I'm newly married, so I'll have to limit how much I let this new hobby cost me. Still, though, tiny little uber-bright flashlights are just so... cool. Seriously. (I feel like I can say that around here without being branded a geek. Thanks!)

Anyway, I just wanted to say "hi." I look forward to picking your brains and learning from you. If there's a way I can give back, please let me know!

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Just for curiosity... how bright is your brighter flashlight?

:welcome: BTW and hide your walled (or it will end empty if you are not carefull).
If you head on over to the Incan section, you will find some pretty neat things that you can do with that 4D maglite...
no no you should stay away from the hotwires!(incans) come to the LED side my young friend (read in an eerie jedi voice) lol j/k and :welcome:
:welcome: from Singapore

hunting (no experience with that, nothing to hunt in singapore except promotions, haha) but fishing, that i do have some little experience with.

For fishing, get a good headlamp, its essential!!! trying to tie rigs with a light in your mouth is no fun, especially if the light is slimy due to bait sodden hands holding the light.

Zebralights are ideal for my fishing needs, i got myself the Zebralight H501 (though i now think that the H501W would be better for fishing but never mind that for now). They're small, light, run off a common AA cell and have 3 modes. It's a pure flood (area lighting) beam and is great for low light uses, digging through tackle boxes etc, on medium its good for making your way on a dark beach and high mode if you need more light. Have that and a few spare AA cells (always carry spares) and you're all set.

Lets not get started about carrying a backup light and a more powerful light lol, the saying here is that when it comes to flashlights, "one is none and two is one"


Look around at all the forums. You will find incredible information about every type of light imaginable here.
Welcome to CPF! Pletny of info, and friendly folks. For night fishing, I like the old SF KL3 for "punching" through water...hunting, the E2L. Watch yer wallet though...LOL

For your first mod, I recommend building a 64458 hotwire with your 4D Mag and 5 IMR26500 cells... :D It's a great value at about 30 lumens/$ and will take the place of your matches/lighter. You know what, that might be a better 2nd mod. Or 3rd.

There's lots to read here at CPF and almost as many opportunities to drain your wallet. Hang on to it!
i don't know that i'm ready for a firestarter just yet.

i might try an ROP mod with 6 sub c's, though.

i think i also wanna do some cheap plastic hosts with 6 cell magnum star bulbs and 3 cr123a's for friends.
