Newbie looking for input from RKIs

G Man

Newly Enlightened
Jul 5, 2009
West Virginia
Good Morning!

I'm amazed that I didn't know this forum existed until recently, thanks to a friend of mine. (Thanks Dave!)

Have been a flashlight junky for years but never knew about all the high quality off-shore products that are now available. Looking seriously at the Jetbeam Jet III Military for carry and the M1X for nightstand and search use. Currently have a LOT of lights from the standard sources:

Streamlight Ultra Stinger large head
Pelican 7060
Inova X5
Costal Lenser(1 in each vehicle)

Surefire 12ZM on the nightstand
Surefire 6P (sits in the box on a shelf, not in use)
Streamlight Lightboxes (both flood and spot plugged in and charged all the time)
Streamlight Ultra Stinger small head in the garage

Weapon Lights:
Insight xenon (2)
Insight xenon w/laser
Surefire 650 tactical on my Benelli (rubber on presure pad is cracking from age, any suggestions?)

A box full of Maglights

As you can see, I'm a bit obsessed! :sick2:

Have already spent many hours reading on this forum, looking at charts and graphs and checking out opinions on carry (tactical?) and search lights (throwers?). I adhere to the KISS principle so a light that can't be easily changed with the bump of a ring or accidental push of a button are primary factors, followed by durability (both toughness of body and finish), light output and option for both li-ion rechargeables and 123s as I'd want to run them both on AW 18650 batteries with back up 123s for emergency power.

Any thoughts on these choices and other options for me to consider?

Thanks in advance for your replies! g
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Ummm . . . .

We already HAVE a CPF member named Gman.

This is gonna' cause a LOT of confusion !


Welcome to CandlePowerForums !


Perhaps a Moderator is gonna' request that you select another name.

PS: you certainly have quite a selection of lights ! :cool:

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Also worth a look are the Fenix line from China, and the american Inova stuff. Not that you really need much, that's quite a collection.

Regarding the shotgun tape switch, call Surefire?
It doesn't seem like the member "Gman" has been active for almost 2 years. There is also a "MrGman," who is very active, so it may still be an issue.

The Eagletac T100C2 may be worth looking at; it is regulated with both CR123's and 18650s, has a simple user interface (you loosen the head to change modes), and can apparently throw pretty far.
Thank you!

I really appreciate the replies and advice. If my handle is a problem for the forum members, I'll be happy to change it.

I've looked at the Eagletac T100C2 and am now considering this as the one to get. I need a couple to put in my "go bags". I'm also looking for an EDC and have read with interest Selfbulit's excellent review of the 1XCR123s. Boy can he do a review! I've learned so much over the last week+ reading his reviews and other comments on this forum. Looking seriously at the Novatec 120P or possibly the 120T with a lot of "extra clicks" ;>). Any thoughts on this choice? :shrug:

Also looking for a new thrower and have read about the Pilot Whale. I'm sure it will sink or swim on its own merit rather than its name. Still considering the Jetbeam M1X as well.

Will probably end up selling my SF 12ZM (still has its original box and papers) and an old 6P in the box with papers from 1994 according to the enclosed catalog insert. I'll have to get pics and post it up on the Market Place forum. Any thoughts on value of these two lights? The 12ZM is in excellent condition with a couple of small spots on the lens but clean anodizing, the 6P has a couple of nicks on the bezel and one on the body but not abused.

Again, any help and advice is much appreciated!