Newbie needs help please


Newly Enlightened
Mar 18, 2007
I'm looking at getting a new Surfire L1 with the higher output. Does the new one have the Cree LED ? There web site does not tell, just tells it's brighter.

The one thing I don't like is you have to twist to lock on. Can you do this with one hand, or does it take two?

I don't want to go over 4.5in. What other lights that has 2 settings(or more) and has at least as much power?
Need something pretty rugged.

I know I could research all this but I need to order before Christmas, and I know nothing about lights. I know I need to come here more often.Thanks if you can help!
Good choice on the L1! You won't find many tougher lights. The new L1 has the Cree Led. You do have to twist it with 2 hands. Dx has cheap lights for the multi mode stuff but cheap goes both ways. There are other multi mode choices outside Dx, and others can help you with those. In my opinion though stay with the L1 and get the best light and warranty with SF!
+1 on the L1. I believe with some practice you can twist the L1 into constant on or lock out with one hand. Besides that the L1 is a great light.
The one thing I don't like is you have to twist to lock on. Can you do this with one hand, or does it take two?

I have an SF L1 CREE and can confirm that it is also possible to tighten the tailcap with one hand. I am not saying it is very easy but if your other hand is not free you can do it without too much effort.

BTW :welcome:
Thanks everyone! I'm going to order the newer L1 today, I can live with the twist cap

Am looking at some on ebay but would rather use a store, who would have a good price on the newer L1?

One more question please,
I also need a very small, but bright one battery light under 4in for pocket carry.
Don't want to spend as much on it, any suggestions?
BatteryJunction offers an excellent service for Surefires:

Coupon Code CPF2006 with your CPF ID (Ken44) will get you an additional 5% reduction. Shipment and 8 free batteries are included in the price.

For a very small 1 x AAA flashlight a cheap solution is Ultrafire WF-602C.

with a price of $ 14.48 included shipment you can't go wrong. More info here:
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BatteryJunction offers an excellent service for Surefires:

Coupon Code CPF2006 with your CPF ID (Ken44) will get you an additional 5% reduction. Shipment and 8 free batteries are included in the price.

For a very small 1 x AAA flashlight a cheap solution is Ultrafire WF-602C.

with a price of $ 14.48 included shipment you can't go wrong. More info here:

Thanks for the link:thumbsup: 5% off, free batteries and shipping sound good, and like Sgt.LED said I'll know it will be the cree version
Edit- I ordered the L1

Now for the cheaper and smaller(around 3 to 3.5in) I also need, I'm thinking a 123 or single AA will give me a little more power on the small light, maybe a fenix makes a short one for that???
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Well :welcome:!!! I think that your suggestion of a fenix for a small,relatively inexpensive edc is a good choice :thumbsup:, that said I only have one fenix and know almost nothing about them so I'll leave the recommending to someone else. Oh, nice snag with an L1, it was my fist light and if you would like to know the amazing things the L1 can do, read away: "Cough"My story is at the bottom"cough" :whistle:

My L1 is very easy to operate with one hand, using the thumb to turn the tailcap. My A2 has seen a lot more use, and it a lot smoother, so I imagine it gets easier to turn with use (and lubrication, of course).

Enjoy your L1!

The Fenix P2D-CE Q5 will be much brighter then the Surefire L1 but the Surefire will feel a lot heftier and tougher. There is also the Power Pack that will give you both the AA and CR123 option.

The 8% off coupon at Fenix Store is "CPF8".
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