Thanks for the links!
If I got the Terralux, would I need to replace the mirror as well?
Sorry for all the noob questions.
If you get the TerraLux 3 LED drop-in, I believe you would have to remove the reflector completely.
As far as brightness I think I have to revise the way the drop-ins are ordered.
Brightest: I don't own any of the multi-LED drop-ins, but I'm inclined to say the Malkoff Quad would most likely be the brightest, since it uses Cree Q5 bin LEDs (As opposed to the MS V which uses SSC P4 bin LEDs).
2nd: ElektroLumens Monster Throw V - Even though it uses 1 more LED than the Malkoff Quad, I think the use of Cree Q5 LEDs makes the difference. Of course I could be wrong. If someone owns both the MS V & Malkoff Quad, I'd love to see the pics.
3rd: ElektroLumens Monster Throw IV
4th: ElektroLumens Monster Throw III
5th: TerraLux TLE-300
6th: Malkoff single LED drop-in for 4-6 D Mags
7th: ElektroLumens Monster Throw I (Initially I didn't notice that the ElektroLumens MS I & III were still on the website.)
8th: TerraLux TLE-6EX
Don't let the rankings fool you. The single LED drop-ins are still very bright. Bright enough for most tasks, possibly too bright in some cases, and all three are noticeably brighter than the stock Mag bulb. The only problem with the Malkoff drop-ins is actually being able to buy one before they're sold out.
Just as a reminder:
1.) Its not required, but all these drop-ins will run better if you use rechargeable NiMH D batteries, instead of alkaline D batteries.
2.) If you get any of the ElektroLumens drop-ins, you'll need to buy one dummy D battery since the ElektroLumens drop-ins are made to work in 3D Mags.