Nite-Ize Lite Holster Universal STRETCH

I have the holster and I use it quite a bit. It is sturdy enough to hold my Mag 2c bezel up or down. My SF 6p and G2 fit nicely as well while trekking day/night hikes. I actually like holstering my lights bezel down because I like to slide the light down and out in a smooth motion. The elastic band holds in the lights very well. I have never had any of my lights fall out either bezel up or down. The holster also has the ability to spin and point forward or backwards, which allows for hands-free shine if you need it.

I've even used it on occasion to hold various tools (hammer, screwdriver etc)

I Highly recommend getting one.

I just bought one of those from Harbor Freight last week. It lives around my 2D Mag P7. It holds Mag D's, Mag C's, Surefires...About anything.
I picked one of these up at Lowes 2 days ago and am very impressed. The belt clip is very sturdy and I really like how I can use it for multiple sized flashlights.

RIght now I'm using it for my Dereelight VBS but it fits a Surefire 6P very well too.
View cutlerylover's video clip review on

I watched this video (fast forwarded quite a bit), he got it mostly right. If you're looking for a holster to carry a 2AA light, this one is bulkier than it needs to be. My favorite holster for carrying a minimag-led is the genuine Maglite open style leather with snap type belt loop. I bought this "stretch" holster specifically to carry my Inova XO3 and T4. It works just as well with the Stinger or the Pelican 7060. Pretty much any midsize light works well. I know the package says you can carry a D size flashlight, but forget it. You can stuff it in there, but it feels like something is going to break.
I have this holster, but I haven't had the chance to use it much. I like the fact I can put many different sizes of flashlights in it, and the way it allows you to spin the light to aim it forward while on your belt. I just wonder if the elastic will stretch to the point where it won't hold smaller lights tight enough, and may let them slip out.
View cutlerylover's video clip review on

This one is good. I am still buying more for my people (they use different flashlight models, but mostly with 1" body tube size). Tough and quite durable. Variable angle adjustments is quite practical for multiple use. Cheap that you can buy a few pieces every year :)
That link didn't take me anywhere specific on the NiteIze site (except an error page) but I think I know the holster you're referring to. I suspect that might be because of how old this thread is and that it was just recently bumped up.

I got one at Harbor Freight a month ago or so and it's been the home of my LD20 since then.

I will agree it's a bulky holster for a 2xAA light but it doesn't seem to be a good fit for larger lights without a lot of wrestling and stretching and whatnot. I haven't spent a lot of time trying to convince it to hold bigger lights yet, I got a Maxpedition universal sheath for my Sunwayled M40A which works better IMO.

All that being said I do like the NiteIze holster and they aren't too expensive. It has some nice features and seems well made and I am able to slide the less aggressively knurled D maglite in to it.
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That link didn't take me anywhere specific on the NiteIze site (except an error page) but I think I know the holster you're referring to. I suspect that might be because of how old this thread is and that it was just recently bumped up.
that is because the link was 18 months old.
I have two. I love em, use one for larger lights and one for smaller lights. I have used a D Mag many times with no stretch memory, and it fits in there fine. I use one in my EDC with my LL P14. Fits my light very well and I love how I can just pull the light out without having to undo any straps or velcro. I definitely recommend buying one for a back up holster.

I also saw on Countycomm that they had Nite-Ize build a smaller one for one of their smaller lights.

Look at the size compared to the hand. (Maratac 9290 Single AA light)

Look at the same comparison.(Mini Mag 2AA light)

It's roughly about an inch to an inch and a half of difference. And judging by the stretch in the smaller one (both lights are AA lights) It may have a smaller stretch, for a better fit of smaller flashlights.
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I have to agree with most everyone on here, it is a great holster. (I was thinking of doing a review of it) I use it all the time for my Dereelight CL1H and Solarforce L2P. I think it is the perfect size for the 6p sized lights. I haven't tried putting bigger lights in it, put would think it wouldn't work too well. The elastic holds so well that it is slightly difficult to get out the 6p sized lights, I cant imagine how tight a d-mag would be. Add to all that, it is only $8 (where I bought it) and you cant hardly go wrong. You will definitely find some use for one.
Edit to add..
One thing I forgot to mention... you must remember that the bottom of the flashlight is exposed and is susceptible to accidental activation. It has happened to my Dereelight twice (modified tailcap). Just something to also consider.

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I'll add to the praise for the NiteIze holster. Bought it on an impulse, didn't expect a whole lot for the $5 I cost me. I have been using it on duty for the past year without any questions. For an open-top, flexible holster that can adapt to multiple lights, this is a great choice. I usually carry my light at the 2 o'clock on my belt, tilted slightly forward for easy deployment with my left hand.
I wouldn't use it for something like a maglite (a "D" ring holder is much more effective), but for a medium sized light, this is perfect.
Just received my holster a couple of days ago. I'm carrying my Solarforce Skyline I in it (sits pretty high - almost too high).

Pretty good holster for the price except for one major negative. It is virtually impossible to clip it on or off a belt using just one hand. The only fast way is to take the belt partway off and thread the belt through the clip. But, then why have a clip instead of a loop if you can't easily do it one-handed?

looks like a very useful holster, especially if i am wearing like, beach shorts which do not have belt loops, i can just clip it to the waistband.
I have been using this holster for my AA Mini Mags for a long time and now that I have moved into the high tech torch arena, I have purchased several more.

The 360 degree rotation is the whip, but I must agree with ArmyMedicDad, the clip requires two-handed operation. So like he, I tend to slide my belt through the clip unless I'm wearing beltless shorts. The clip needs major design changes!

I went as far as calling Nite-Ize to see if I could speak with someone in R&D about the clip issue as well as an issue the the gates on their S-Biner series of carabiners allowing attached items to fall out of the biners, but was told by customer dis-service to write to them instead.

Additionally, despite their stretchability, I would still like to see additional sizes due to the great degree of size variability of flashlights these days and the fact that not all flashlights have nice smooth barrels like Maglites. They do this with their variety of clipped cases, why not with the holster as well, IMO.

All the best,

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