Those numbers indicate the NOMINAL size. The first two are the diameter in millimeters, the second two are the length in millimeters, the last zero is generally (but I think not universally) agreed indicates a cylindrical (round) cell.
However, there are differences. My experience is mostly with 18650 cells, but I assume the same will apply to 21700 cells too.
Some cells are slightly longer or shorter than the nominal size. They can also be slightly larger or smaller diameter. The basic cells are generally pretty close, but then there's what you add to the cell. The first thing would be a plastic shrink wrap. These are generally pretty thin but can vary slightly in thickness. The next thing you might see is a 're-wrapped' cell, where a reseller has added a second shrink wrap over the first, to re-brand the cell.
If a reseller has added a button top to a previously flat-top cell, that will increase the length. This will almost always include re-wrapping the cell.
Adding a protection circuit to a cell will add even more length, as you need to add a circuit board with components to one end or the other. Usually this is on the + end. But the protection circuit needs connections to both ends of the cell, so there will generally be a metal strip running up the side of the cell. While the cell construction doesn't really require it, this is normally between the inner and outer wraps, so while you could argue this doesn't increase the diameter of the cell, it increases the diameter of the hole needed to fit the cell.
I doubt you'd ever encounter it, but the absolute worst case would be something like an already large cell, re-wrapped with button top added, then protection added with button top. This could easily add 1mm or more to the diameter and 4mm or more to the length. There are definitely cases where some cells fit the device and some cells don't.
If you are looking at basic cells from the manufacturer, you are generally pretty good. It's when you start looking at re-branded, button-top, and protected cells that you have to start paying close attention to whether the cells you are looking at will fit your device.