nitecore d10 pocketability


Newly Enlightened
Jul 30, 2003
Knoxville, TN
I carry a streamlight microstream AAA light clipped inside my pocket. Thinking of upgrading to a nitecore D10 and have a question of how most folks carry it. With the optional pocket clip, will it be comfortable to carry inside my front pocket, clipped to the corner, the way folks often carry pocketknives with clips?

Also, having had AA cell lights like the first Fenix and the Jetbeam C-LE, what kind of real-world increase in maximum output am I likely to see?

I am torn between it and the liteflux lf2xt, but I really like the look and UI of the nitecore, and have wanted one for a long time.

I sometimes clip my D10 onto my belt but usually just put it in my pocket.
The short answer is that yes, the D-10 is fine clipped to the inside of a pocket like a knife. If you carry tons of keys/gadgets on your keyring, then it may obstruct your pocket very slightly, but I don't think that it will be that much of and issue for you.

The D-10 is a great light. It is very compact, has great output for its size (especially on a lithium 14500), has a bone-head simple UI, and uses a piston drive which just seems solid in general and is a great complement to all my other clicky lights. I have a clip on mine and it fits deep in my pocket very easily next to a pack of cigarettes and a cell phone. I like to keep it free in my pocket during the day and then clip it to the inside of my pocket (like a knife) once it gets dark out. The beam is a mixture of both hotspot and spill and is excellent in lighting up close to medium close ranges (my Surefire E1B outhrows it a little). The only issue I really have with it is that it ramps up significantly faster than it ramps down, and I have heard that this is the case with most of the R2 versions. I would grab it if I were you, it is a quality light for the price. :thumbsup:
P.S. in the last few days I have seen several D-10's sell for $40. I even saw one go for $25! :huh:Snag one off the marketplace if you want to save some cash and are not in a hurry to grab one.
The D10's great for the pocket. I wear dress slacks and it clips nicely. I found the EX10 to be a little too large in diameter. The difference is small, but it just seems more sleek.
I carry mine in my front pocket all the time,no clip,its pretty slender.I have no problem with it in dress pants.
I carry mine in my jeans front pocket, no clip. No problem with it just like that. Amazing light, the D10! If you're interested in one I highly recommend it. And there's a LOT to read about it here on the forum. With dress slacks or a suit (which I rarely wear these days) I don't like any flashlights in my pockets... so I use a belt holster for D10 or ConneXion X2 (using the Lumamax holster that comes with the X2) and also drop a Microstream in my coat pocket.
I carry a streamlight microstream AAA light clipped inside my pocket. Thinking of upgrading to a nitecore D10 and have a question of how most folks carry it. With the optional pocket clip, will it be comfortable to carry inside my front pocket, clipped to the corner, the way folks often carry pocketknives with clips?

Most prefer D10 with pocket clip in front pocket or jacket, but there are some who prefer no clip and with lanyard attachments. Only a few I've heard of carrying D10 in holster.
If you're used to carrying AAA, you might need some getting use to for D10 initially.

Also, having had AA cell lights like the first Fenix and the Jetbeam C-LE, what kind of real-world increase in maximum output am I likely to see?

Difference in output between D10 and LD01 is drastic for low setting, that's the offset for the size difference. But in terms of hi, 80 lumens is aplenty for indoor and dark trail usage.
D10: 145 lumens 80 minutes / 5 lumens, 60 hours
LD01: 80 Lumens 1hr / 10 Lumens 8.5hrs

I am torn between it and the liteflux lf2xt, but I really like the look and UI of the nitecore, and have wanted one for a long time.

LF2XT is not out yet, but from all accounts given so far, it'll be a great AAA light, IMHO. Unless you're referring to LF2X in which it's also a good AAA.
If you're torn, apply the golden rule: get both. You can only really tell which you'll prefer by using both day in day out.
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Wow... thanks for the excellent replies. I wish other forums were this friendly/helpful.

I pulled the trigger on the D10 R2. I may also get the liteflux... depending on price and specs. I haven't bought a light in a while, but I can't say that I need another. I know I don't have to explain that to people here...

Hi, My name is Matt and I'm a flashaholic....

I've tried carrying the D10 in my pocket but it always seems to bump on inadvertantly. Nice light otherwise...

I have been carrying my D10 in my front pocket for the last several weeks (no clip) and I have yet to bump it on by mistake! I was a little paranoid at first, so I would only pocket it in momentary-on mode, but then lint from my pocket would get into the exposed threads. So now I just EDC it fully tightened and it works out for me!

It still amazes me how much light it produces from a single AA cell....
I usually clip my D10 inside one my right front beltloop. I leave just enough of the clip on the end to keep it horizontal but it still has plenty of hold on it. It is extremely comfortable this way and I don't bump into it if I reach into my pocket.

If it won't work that way for whatever reason with the pants/shorts I am wearing, I'll put it on the corner of my pocket and it rides just as nicely there.
No clip, no lanyard - I just stick it in a pocket. Works fine, no problems.

Great choice, Matt - you won't regret it.