Nitecore D10


Aug 14, 2009
Guildford, United Kingdom
I want a nitcore D10 but i owned one a year ago and sold it because the torch would drain the battery even when not in operation. I found out not long later that everyone experiences this the way around it is to loosen the torch and then tighten it back up when you want to use it. Do the new D10's still have this problem? Its the only thing that I hate about it :(
Yes they do but my understanding is that the drain is so small that a battery will last 400+ days (I don't remember the exact number). I don't notice much of a drain on my D10 SP that gets daily use.
I am thinking about getting a EZAA ive never owned one but I have owned a D10 but i cant remember how big it was. Does anyone use a D10 on their keys? Im wondering if It would be better to get a D10 over a EZaa :S What level brightness do the D10SP start in do they remember your last setting?
There was one batch about a year ago that had some faulty chips. The current ones do not have this problem.
What do you mean what was the fault with the chips? the battery drain or what? And were you talking about the d10?

Yes, that's exactly what I mean. The battery drain issue was caused by a faulty batch of chips which affected some lights (both D10 and EX10) around about June last year. Most of them were withdrawn from sale (4Sevens put all shipments on hold until they had checked each light individually for example).

Lights without this fault should not drain the battery. I have two that do not do it - one purchased over a year ago and one bought within the last few weeks. So you should be able to buy with confidence - but you'll have to hurry if you want one with the original ramping UI - BatteryJunction has them at the moment (D10 Tribute edition).
Does The D10 Still Have Battery Drain Problems?

:thumbsdowIm told by others the D10 doesnt drain the battery anyone when left unused but it was only in september I had one and i would find the battery draining very fast in only a few days can anyone clear this up is it still a problem?
Re: Does The D10 Still Have Battery Drain Problems?

Im sure it drains them a little.

I have left my D10 on my bedside table for about a month after using it for a few days and still got another few days use out the same battery, I had a 14500 cell in it.
Re: Does The D10 Still Have Battery Drain Problems?

This is a fustrating problem because I want one but not knowing if when I go to grab it if it will be flat because ive left it a month :mad:
Re: Does The D10 Still Have Battery Drain Problems?

no it is certainly not that bad. It says right on the 47's website if you cared to look that the cell will completely drain after 416 days. you have nothing to worry about if you don't just use the light for emergencies.
Re: Does The D10 Still Have Battery Drain Problems?

I had one of my D-10's or EX-10's drain my battery after it sat for a few months. The solution? Just twist the light off when you're not using it. Once you twist it (loosen it) you break the connection with the mico-processor which has a slight drain. When you need the flashlight, just twist it on, and then use the button if you want. This is how I store mine when I'm not using them. If I'm EDC'ing it, I'll just leave it twisted on, and turn it off with the button. I will just top off the battery every other week or when needed.
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Re: Does The D10 Still Have Battery Drain Problems?

:thumbsdowIm told by others the D10 doesnt drain the battery anyone when left unused but it was only in september I had one and i would find the battery draining very fast in only a few days can anyone clear this up is it still a problem?
If your light is draining its' battery within a few days whilst off, then you had a faulty light. There were a few lights that had this problem. None of my Nitecore D10s or EX10s have ever exhibited this problem.


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