NiteCore D20 Comparison Review


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 27, 2002
Once again hot off the press through the very kind courtesy 4sevens ( is this NiteCore D20 Smart PD 2x AA flashlight based on the Cree XR-E Q5.




the D20 has the pocket clip - which attaches via screws and a backing plate to the holes for keyring/lanyard at the tail - although it seems that this clip might also be used on the the other Smart PD lights D10 and EX10 - I think the holes are set at different distances that the clip may not fit without some "surgery". The Piston is also held in the body via a retaining end-ring - so that unlike the earlier Smart PD lights the piston cannot just be pushed out (haven't tried it - but probably unscrewing the retaining end-ring may be able to dismantle the light....).

How well does the light perform?

It's rated at 180lumens on Max......
using recently charged NiMH (Kodak Pre-Charged)

vs. Fenix L2D-Q5 also on NiMH

it's close but the the D20 has it. WoW! in comparison this sample of the Fenix L2D-Q5 seems very blue/violet.

vs. Fenix L2D-RB100 also on NiMH

again close - again I think the D20 just has it. However the Rebel RB100 just has much nicer beam and tint to my eyes......

vs. NiteCore D10 (Q5) on 3.7V Li-Ion rechargeable 14500

about the same level of brightness -
the D10 on 3.7V Li-Ion 14500 acquits itself quite well....

vs. NiteCore EX10 (Q5) on 3.7V Li-Ion rechargeable RCR123

the D20 is slightly brighter than the EX10 even on 3.7V rechargeable Li-Ion RCR123 - both the beam and tint of the D20 are very slightly nicer too - but one probably won't see this in any real practical usage.....

Another great addition to the NiteCore Smart PD line - I would have thought a piston for a longer 2x AA body may have posed some difficulties - but this execution is almost flawless. The feel to the piston is good - the head is much bigger - which may hint at perhaps better throw - can't say for sure though, haven't had a chance to compare outdoors yet.

Anyone who wants a 2x AA light/form-factor should consider this light.

Index to follow up parts -

Comparison with stock 2AA MiniMag (+ color removed images) in Post #9

Clip removal and incompatibility with D10 & EX10 - Post #13

Ad-hoc (subjective) throw comparison - Post #19

Photo of D20 disassembled, showing component parts - Post #24
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Isn't Nitecore replacing the Q5s with OSRAM GDPs now?

They're testing, the D10 and the EX10 were Nightcore's test products with the GDP according to 4sevens. So we may see one at a later date. :D

Thanks for the comparison shots.
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Really superb comparisons :goodjob:

I am curious about the throw compared to the other lights.
They're testing, the D10 and the EX10 were Nightcore's test products with the GDP according to 4sevens. So we may see one at a later date. :D

Thanks for the comparison shots.

both cree and osram heads are sold in hong kong - exactly the same price

i would be interested to know whether the d20 use osram or cree led.
Not that there is any doubt - but just for grins, I compared the NiteCore D20 (Q5) with the 2AA MiniMag pictured....

vs. stock 2AA MiniMag also on NiMH

obviously the MiniMag is greatly outclassed by the D20 - but in mitigation the MiniMag can be focussed to a pretty tight spot - which gives it throw beyond the expectations for a 2AA light.

Sometimes color can get in the way of comparison - so I removed the color by desaturation leaving only luminance information -
although it seems that this clip might also be used on the the other Smart PD lights D10 and EX10 - I think the holes are set at different distances that the clip may not fit without some "surgery".

I'm really curious about this. The lack of a clip has been keeping me away from a D10 :(
To UnknownVT --

Thank you for your time and effort in this fine review !

Can you take a pic of the back of the light without the clip on?



The screws have Torx T-6 heads - with the clip removed I can confirm that the clip will not easily fit either the D10 or the EX10.

I was wrong the holes will fit the D10 or EX10 (the holes in the tail are large enough to give tolerance to fit) - but the backing plate is curved differently (the D20 has a larger diameter at the tail) - so will not fit into the tail.

I suppose one could try to bend/re-curve the plate but then it would not easily fit back on the D20 - so I would say that the clip - as-is - is not (easily) interchangeable with the D10 or EX10.
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Thanks for beamshots Vincent!
I expected a smaller hotspot from the DX10 but I do like the beam. It also looks huge next to the L2D!
Thank you for the review. You mentioned that the piston can't be removed, or at least not without removing the retaining ring first. Can you confirm this? I wonder how the piston can be lubed if it can't be removed from the light.
Seems brighter than Fenix L2D Q5?

Indoors around the house - they look about the same (and just to note the Fenix L2D-Q5 does not look blue/violet - if anything it may be more "pink").

However last night I also took the NiteCore D20 outside along with some other lights to do an ad-hoc (unscientific/subjective) throw comparison.

Of all the lights it was the 99cent plastic flashlight I threw the furthest.... :grin2:

Oh, that's not what you guys mean by throw?


The other lights I compared were NiteCore D10 (Li-Ion 14500); EX10 (Li-Ion RCR123); Fenix L2D - Q5 and RB100 (also on NiMH).

I used tree tops at an estimated distance of about 140 feet - the lights all were about the same for throw - I could see about as well with all the lights - except one - which took me by surprise - the Fenix L2D-Q5 did not look quite as bright at that distance....... the L2D-RB100 was as bright, if anything I thought I might have seen marginally better than the D20 (and I do mean marginal - or it could just be my wishful imagination - that is how UNcertain I am).

Anyway that was my subjective look at throw.....

mutter-mumble..... now I have to trek to go get that 99cent plastic flashlight back. :nana:
Thanks for another fine review V. And I enjoyed the humor. :)

I received my D20 today. Feels a bit heavy after being used to an L2D but, I__ love it!

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