Nitecore D20 - do bare Al areas on threads cause a problem?


Sep 22, 2008
bare aluminum areas on the threads of the body would this cause a problem later on? Say when it meets a bare thread on the head? Light works perfectly and the anodizing outside is perfect (just got this light today) but there is a big chunk of bare alum on the body thread about 3-4 mm long on the most bottom thread. I don't think it's caused by a particulate that scratched the anodizing since it is uniform as if it missed the anodizing process. Anyway there are also some parts of the thread on the body where there is clearly done by some particles. Hmmm...
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Re: If your D20 has some

The D20 should be fine. The anodising inside the body tube would have to wear out, and even if that happened, you'd just lose the ability to lock out the light or use "tactical" mode. If this matters to you, then you could request a new body tube or simply use it until it wears through (if it ever does). TBH, I'd be more worried about decreased lube intervals on the threads myself.
Re: If your D20 has some

Thanks guys I appreciate your replies. This is truly an interesting light I really like the low low on this.