Nitecore Ex10 vs Olight i10


Newly Enlightened
Nov 1, 2009
Hi all

I already own a Fenix PD20 and have just purchased the nitecore ex10 r2 (choosing between Olight i10 and nitecore ex10 r2).

Apparently the shop provide me with wrong information that the nitecore ex10 has 200 lumnes of output (ie just 5 lumens less of olight). They agreed to exchange it for me if needed.

I just want to seek all of your opinions of whether nitecore or olight is a better choice. Is the extra 60 lumnes of output significant according to your experience?

well, i personally own the EX10 golden dragon plus and its a great light, i definitely own brighter lights but it's the size, durability and flexibility of the EX10 that draws me to it.

No doubt the Olight may be brighter but is it as flexible, durable etc, (you can see i am moving more towards the EX10) check the reviews for the runtimes of both lights too.

These lights are usually EDC lights, my EX10 sits in my pocket everyday and i usually have something larger (maybe more than 1) in my bag and something smaller on my keychain :D

I was all into the max output thing but then realised that max output wasnt what i NEEDED, imagine in a fanct restaurant but you can't read the bill you dont want 200 blazing lumens drawing attention to you in a candlelit restaurant, you want just a few lumens. The EX10 can do that, and ramp up or down as needed too.

The extra lumens is noticeable but in my opinion isnt going to make all that much difference. I would stick with the EX10
i have two nitecores and believe that there build quality is hard to beat. it really depends what your guna use it for, i recently went camping and found that the 30 lumen mode on my ld01 was actually 'really' bright when its dark out !! was plenty of light to get around and see where i was going. 145 lumens is a lot of light :)
I say get one of each :eek:

But seriously i have the EX10 and it`s a great light. I have the Olight I15 AA and like it very much for it`s runtime durability and thinking very much of getting the Olight I10 myself because i like the I15 so much but through experiance with the EX10 you can not go wroung :twothumbs
Hi hall,

I own a D10 R2 and Ex10 R2, and they are a hell of a lights :thumbsup:, i EDC the D10 R2 because the batts are cheaper, and i'm learning witch batts are the best for better performance.
Hi hall,

i have the D10 R2 and EX10 R2, and both lights are great:twothumbs, i EDC the D10 R2, because the batts are cheaper, although i think the Ex10 R2 it's a bit brighter.
I have the I10, EX10 R2 and a D10. I prefer the EX10 over the I10. They both have variable output but the strobe on the I10 keeps getting in the way. The output difference is negligible to me. My two cents....