I've got a LED torch which takes 1xCR123A battery and I today when I turned her on in the afternoon sometime she decided to not come on anymore, so I thought oh no hope its not the torch, anyhow I decided to try a new CR123A battery and she worked like a charm.
Now time to test the old battery on a multimeter (Hioki Pencil HiTester 3246) and I got a reading of 2.3 volts. Now I was quite surprised at even this voltage the LED refused to come one, had the voltage been under say 1.1 volts than that I would of understand but 2.3 I would of thought there would still be some light.
Now time to test the old battery on a multimeter (Hioki Pencil HiTester 3246) and I got a reading of 2.3 volts. Now I was quite surprised at even this voltage the LED refused to come one, had the voltage been under say 1.1 volts than that I would of understand but 2.3 I would of thought there would still be some light.