Non-DX Budget LED Thrower


May 10, 2004
What is a really good budget LED thrower that is not from DX. I really like the 4AA setup for some reason but I would consider other standard alkaline powered lights in any configuration. Is the Streamlight Propolymer 4AA LUX still a contender in the throw category? There was a lot of talk about the 2C Task Force. How does that compare? For me, $35 and down is a budget light.
If you can spend a little bit more, I would recommend the EagleTac P100A2 (I'm assuming you want the light to use AA batteries.) It's about 40 dollars, uses 2xAA, and is rated at 195 lumens (I say rated, since I'm not sure if EagleTac uses emitter lumens or OTF lumens.)
Maybe a little different than you are thinking but...

The new Mags with the Rebel emitters and deeper reflectors have very good throw. You could use some cheap 2AA to D holders in a 2D and get a 4AA Mag.

I plan to use a 3D mag with 6AA duraloops for around the house duty. This allows me to use more of my duraloops and keeps a reliable light handy for the wife.

That 5W Stanley is a little dynamo, a really nice spotlight. Friend of mine is a Wal mart employee and had one they day they came out, it's pretty impressive.