Noob question... 440 grades?


Sep 6, 2005
Palo Alto, CA
noob warning...

Been lurking around and getting the itch for a new hobby:twothumbs

When blade manufacturers spec "440 stainless", does that typically mean 440A?

What are the pros and cons of the different grades... 400A-440C ? I know "C" contains the most carbon and therefore harder than "A" and is the least corrosion/rust resistant.

What does that translate to in terms of pros-cons in the working world? Which material is preferable for food preparation, box cutting, wood cutting/hacking...etc... Which is most durable? Which is easier to sharpen? Does the 440C last longer between sharpening?

Is there a difference between the different manufacturers "440C". Or are they all pretty much the same within the grade of 440C?

Do manufacturers lie about this on their spec sheets and blade printing? How trustworthy (generally) is the industry?

Is there a knife FAQ somewhere?
thanks in advance:D, and sorry for asking so many questions that seem so obvious. (its in my personality:eek:)
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Here are another couple websites that discuss different blade steels: steels.htm

If a knife manufacturer says the blade is "440" you can be its 440A. 440C is decent steel although blade snobs would rate it below the category of gourmet steels. 154CM may now be near the bottom of the gourmet steel group. 440V is very tough stuff, a powdered steel, tough to resharpen, but exceptional edge holdig.
simple rule of thumb in a steel series increase in letter or number increases quality of the steel 440c will take better properties than 440a if properly heat treated, M4 will have some advantages over M2 etc.
S90V and M4 are the blade steels to look for in a folder. A little bit exotic, kinda exclusive and if the heat treat is within spec, the blade steels to beat. Next up are ZDP-189, followed by S30V and M2. 440A/C/V will cut just as well for most users, but we are not most users are we? We all want the good stuff and will pay a slight premium for just that, right :) ? I know I would and I do!
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S90v and M4 may be pushing it even for avid knife users, consider with their high carbide content they can damage even ceramic stones.