Noob question


Newly Enlightened
Jan 29, 2010
Is the SSC P7 W724C0-BSYPI 3.6V~4.2V 12W LED Emitter a good one to get for a first timer like me? I want to use it in a 3D Mag.

I would say no. SYP is really too "blue". I recently bought CSWOI from they are in the USA, so that = faster shipping. But I would say get a "C" bin or or "D" bin.
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I would say no. SYP is really too "blue". I recently bought CSWOI from they are in the USA, so that = faster shipping. But I would say get a "C" bin or or "D" bin.

Wait, I was also looking at that. I want to buy it and put it in my 4C Maglite. How would I do this?
The CSWOI will be fine in a 4 c mag provided you use a driver. Are you planning to use 4 C cells?

The CSWOI will also be fine in a 3d, but I would recommend a driver for this as well because the "I" in that bin code represents a fairly low forward voltage 3.0-3.5 volts if I recall. Even on 3 nimh cells that would be hard on the emitter in direct drive.

+1 by the way for NOT buying the DX BSYPI. Just spend a couple of extra dollars on a good emitter, and get something you will love, rather than 14$ worth of disappointment (just my opinion)
My P7 MOD is on a 4D Mag running on Duracells. I have:

  1. BriteLumens Heat sink
  2. CSWOI P7
  3. Sputter reflector (donut is really annoying without it)
  4. SOB1000 from sandwich shoppe
This is a really cool running setup. But then again the P7 is running at 1 amp vs. the max. spec of 2.8 amps. I went the P7 1 Amp route because I was considering going a P4 at 1 amp, but that is max. for the P4. For the P7 it is hardly breaking a sweat.:tired:

To run the P7 at 2.8 amps I would use a Shark Buck 3 Amp driver heatsinked or a taskled driver. My main problem with the Taskled driver is the size of it after it is combined with the Britelumens heatsink. The heatsink is "deluxed" hence it is taller, so it sits lower in the tube. I have a picture here

I could try to post beam shots, but there is already plenty of them here. Just search for them (but they are running at 2.8amps).:huh:

Happy Modding.:thumbsup:
The driver I would use for either of these is the Shiningbeam driver. It has a 6v max input and 3 modes for 7$

From 4 batteries? You would get 1.5x4=6 volts. That is the Max. for that board.
I would be afraid of too much voltage from freshly charged batteries.:poof:
I have three of those boards on order, and I was planning on using one DUMMY battery in lieu of the 4th D cell for my Mag 4D.

vestureofblood please provide your input. Have you used this board in this configuration?:popcorn:
I would say no. SYP is really too "blue". I recently bought CSWOI from they are in the USA, so that = faster shipping. But I would say get a "C" bin or or "D" bin.

Thanks again for the info, I just ordered two from Marge at tex-tite AND they are in stock:grin2:.
From 4 batteries? You would get 1.5x4=6 volts. That is the Max. for that board.
I would be afraid of too much voltage from freshly charged batteries.:poof:
I have three of those boards on order, and I was planning on using one DUMMY battery in lieu of the 4th D cell for my Mag 4D.

vestureofblood please provide your input. Have you used this board in this configuration?:popcorn:

I use rechargeable nimh cells in all my hotwires, so the voltage from each is 1.2-1.35 ish rather than 1.5V. I currently have a 3D mag that uses 4x NIMH C cells over the top of 2x7135 boards for 2.8 amp (its the same thing as the shiningbeam board but with no modes), and it will run on high for about an hour and 45 min continuously with no problems. I prefer running this type of board with the extra cell because stays in regulation longer than with 3 cells. Run time is not any longer but you get more time before the light starts to dim. On the 4 nimh cells I would say the first hour and 15 min is in full regulation.
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Driver is Heatsinked yes/no?

I use rechargeable nimh cells in all my hotwires, so the voltage from each is 1.2-1.35 ish rather than 1.5V. I currently have a 3D mag that uses 4x NIMH C cells over the top of 2x7135 boards for 2.8 amp (its the same thing as the shiningbeam board but with no modes), and it will run on high for about an hour and 45 min continuously with no problems. I prefer running this type of board with the extra cell because stays in regulation longer than with 3 cells. Run time is not any longer but you get more time before the light starts to dim. On the 4 nimh cells I would say the first hour and 15 min is in full regulation.
No, using the 2 separate boards heat does not seem to be an issue. I have never done any heat sinking to the single 8 chip board either though ( I wasn't pushing the 8 chip quite as hard). You may extend the life of the board with some heat sinking, but even with extended periods of run time, so far I have had no issue.