Nooby needs info

Lost in Kansas

Newly Enlightened
Sep 8, 2010
Hello, I've read the CPF for a few months but this is first post. I need someone with a good memory to tell me what this flashlight is called and the maker. I bought two last November, one for me and one for my son who will be going to an APO next month. He wants to take a new one along in case something happens to the one I gave him. This light is nine inches long and about an inch and a quarter in diameter. One click of the switch gives the 130 lumen (advertised), two quick clicks give the 80 lumen, and hold the button down for two seconds gives the strobe effect. With three C cells it weighs about 22 ounces. It was advertised as being able to be used as a police baton. Unfortunately we threw away all the wrapping that came with it. The only marking on it is "Delta Force" but the S&W Delta Force is not similar I think it had several postings on this forum in November, 2009 but I'm not able to go back that far and re-read them Thanks for any ideas or suggestions.

A picture would be quite helpful if possible :)

But seriously .... did I read that right? 22oz? Wow, that weighs as much as some of my handguns :faint:
I can't place it for certain, but it sounds a lot like one of Streamlight's newer LED models. Except for the "Delta Force" bit.
Pwatcher - In the link you provided the picture in the posting by Torpeau is exactly what mine looks like. Mine does use 3 C cells which adds to the weight. I tried to add a picture but didn't see that I had the means to do it. Maybe because I'm still a noobie. I think I bought the two units from Amazon. Odd that it would have dropped from sight . Thanks to all for the replies.
O.K. I found it. It is a Palm Blaze 3 cell. Further description: K23C Luxeon, K2 6W LED Police Flashlight Baton. It's supposed to run 15 hours at 130 lumens. Unfortunately for me, it says not known when or if this will be stocked again. So I will have to keep looking. Thanks again for your helpful postings.
Very strange. After weeks of looking for this light and coming up with "Discontinued", "Do not know when/if this will be available again", I wandered into Amazon and found it to be available from the dealer I had bought two from last year, Exciting Products out of San Diego. I ordered another one and it arrived in a little over three days and it will be in the mail to my son's APO address tomorrow. I was certain it was out of production. Never give up the search.
there is one on flea bay that looks similar, claimed to be 10 watt and less expensive. seller doesn't give any details on the led used or available modes. Amazon unit probably safer way to go

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I was curious why you had to find that exact model?
Is there something special about it?
The reason I wanted another of these was that I bought the original two based on the reviews on CPF from users. After almost a year of use they performed really well. My son wanted another to take APO in case of loss or malfunction of the original. He said it had the features, especially the strobe light that he needed, plus the baton feature.
Scriverdog - Yes that looks exactly like the ones I bought, except the name on it. And ten dollars cheaper. I forgot to mention another reason we wanted that model was the availability of C cells wherever he may be sent.