Flashlight Enthusiast
Since I wanted to clean the inside of the lens, I heated up the bezel from my C2 and unscrewed the lens retaining ring via one of those 4-way screwdriver thingies that happen to fit the notches. Wouldn't ya know it? It slipped and put couple of ugly scratches in the lens. NOOOO! One thing I noticed is that the stock lense is THICK! Man where would I get one of those? I put a UCL from flashlightlens in there (took it out of my G2) and I'm back in business. But I noticed something odd. The UCL seemed to make my light brighter than the stock Pyrex lens. Is it because of the thickness? Maybe I'm seeing things but it sure seems like it. If thats the case then everylight I get is going to get a UCL in it! Another thing I noticed is since the UCL is thinner than the stock lens, the retaining ring screws down further which means I can take the flat rubber o-ring out of a spare G2 bezel I have and sandwich the UCL between two of them for added shock protection. Neat, huh?