Not truly light PRODUCING, but need something for a torch.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 9, 2001
Greensboro, NC
OK - here's the deal. I am making a "fire piston" (you may have heard of them) and I am using an old 2xAAA mini mag light body as the tube portion.

What I need is a pice of aluminum that is the exact ID (inner diam.) of the inside of this flashlight tube...which would be exactly the same as the OD of AAA batteries.

I went to the hardware store today and struck out. I need to see if someone here has anything in the light making arsenal that would be able to help me out on this quest. The length would need to be 5-6 inches no more. One long and straight piece of aluminum or brass that is the same OD as the inside of a AAA mag light OR the OD of AAA batteries.

Please let me know via PM if you have any options for me.

Many thanks!
Not that I have a good idea for you just yet, does this thing work???

You have my curiousity up now......

Also are you looking for round bar stock or flat stock??
Round. The way it works is FASCINATING. Imagine a diesel engine...this fire lighting technique is what inspired Diesel to invent the engine. In theory (I say that b/c I have not done it yet) you compress air in an enclosed space so fast that it ignites a piece of tender (char-cloth normally) that is placed in the end of the PISTON part. It is an "ancient" southeast asia fire starting method and is a really cool and reliable way to get a fire started. SO, ever since I saw this thing on a video, I have been wanting to make one of my own - they are not that cheap to buy...and I figured that if I made one, I would certainly understand how the whole thing worked by the time I got it right.

The key is a nice tight fit and the ability to put an o-ring sela towards the end to create that air tight seal.

I got fascinated by these a little bit ago after seeing survivorman use one. I was a bit put off by the (seemingly) excessive prices being charged by most places. It's just 2 high precision piece of aluminum. The acrylic ones are neat because you can see the ember burning. Anyway, if anyone decides to make one or finds a good cheap source of them, please, let me know!

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