I don't think you cheaped out. There is not a huge jump in brightness in terms of day to day use and some of the threads I have seen show the runtimes of the 85 on high well over an hour. To some the extra $40.00 (almost a third of the cost of the light) is worth the extra brightness but to me it is not worth it for my uses anyway.
There is no such thing as "cheaping out" when you buy a novatac :broke:

But seriously, you chose well, and if one day you feel "underlumened" there is always the 120
Nope. My -85 is a great little light! The 85 is plenty for 99.95% of all uses, and if you need more it seems you don't need just a little more, you need a LOT more :)
I don't feel like I "cheaped out" when I bought my 85P! It's a great little light and bright enough for most situations.....:)

And as Dr. K said, if I ever feel "underlumened" I can get a 120.
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I think you will enjoy it, there a lot of them out there being enjoyed, don't see why you would be any different :)

BTW.. for any of you that have not joined the Novatac owners registry follow the link in my sig to proclaim your ownership!
I don't think you cheapoed out. 85 lm is more than enough for most tasks, and the $40 saving gets you a lot of batts for it.

A year ago people would have sold their grandmothers to get an 85 lm HDS. In another year's time, they will see very little difference between 85 and 120 lm - both will be candidates for modding by those who want more lumens.
Howdy Mike,
Hmmmm....... well.... I've got the 120P, and while I do enjoy having the extra output when I want it, I rarely use anything above the 60 lumen setting. In fact, one of the main features of the light I find myself using most is the wonderfully large number of extreme low levels.

I mean, seriously, the first 8 levels are all under 1 lumen, ha..... and the beautiful logarithmic way the light steps up or down assures that there is a distinct and precise visual change between each level.

Heck, the first 15 levels on this light are all 10 lumens or under, and I've found the ability to adjust those low light levels, on the go, helps me navigate better in situations where I prefer to keep my night adapted vision in tact. And of course, all the while, momentary max output is only one brief press of the button away. Even coooooler is that you can select what you want that momentary max output to be, maybe only 30 lumens!

Then of course, you still get the ability to totally customize the user interface exactly the way you want it... and you can change your mind about that as often as you like!

So, you get all that..... and you saved $40. Sounds pretty smart to me.
I'm still pretty happy with my HDS B42 on full brightness! I rarely use the max level, actually, and use the lows much more frequently. I've been considering a Seoul mod and in my XRGT version I'll likely only get a bit better than the 85 on max brightness (not visible I suspect) which is still a good amount of light. The user interface and flexibility is what really make these lights shine! (no pun intended):p
I love my 85T, and agree that I rarely use the "high" setting...nice having a few lower output choices. What a great light!
My 85T is awesome!! I love this light....plenty of lumens for just about any task. I really love the .3 lumen level for navigating the house at night. regrets.......
I have both the 85 and 120. Not enough difference to worry about. Don't worry that you are missing out on some HUGE difference because you "cheaped" out. You are not. Enjoy the 85.

Well, it just arrived today and I must say that overall, I am quite impressed with this light. I'm sure my initial impressions will be reinforced after dark.
You'll love the 85P. I've got brighter lights but none that small. Hey with the money you saved you could get a Arc-P DS to complement it!
I have my 120P highest set to 60lm - i could have bought the 85P as well, and i would have, if i knew that the 120lm setting is just a software feature.
I could not wait, I had to try the interface, 85P is in the mail. I'll still look at the new HDS and the ARC when they are released.

What's this about software... :thinking: did someone decode the secret between the 85P and 120P, I remember the runtime tests seemed to indicate it was not the LED holding the 85P back. If so can we please have a link... this sounds like a killer mod. :wave: