Novatac EDC series tail switch longevity


Jun 5, 2007
London, UK
I've had a 120P for about 9 days now and am playing with it like crazy to get used to the various modes and seeing what programmed features best suit my needs. I occurred to me that the clicky switch is getting far more use than any other click switch I have on any light because it is the only way to access all the modes. I wondered if anyone has had any problems with excessive wear and tear on the Novatac EDC range switches? On any other light I would expect years of trouble free use (barring catastrophic accident of course), but with so much multi-clicking for almost every operation I'm a little concerned about Novatac longevity.
Actually it is not a real click-switch (with on/off lock mechanism) but rather a momentary switch. And it does not need to switch high currents, the electronics do the real switching.
That alone should give it much more life expectation.
Just as well with the number of times it gets used. I got a little twitchy about the switch thing because I think Im trying to justify to myself the purchase of an EDC light that is less bright that my existing pocket lights but cost a lot more.
I think that we all played with and used the switch a lot when we first got them, I have not heard of any unusual level of failures, I have only heard of a few that is .

I'm sure youll find it as reliable as any good light.

My 120P is still my most often edc'd light, and they do have good service if ever you do need.
My nova came pretty early in the run, it's been used EVERY day and clicked a problems whatsoever. They say good for 1 million clicks, that will take a LONG time.
Click Away! You won't hurt it. Any new toy gets a lot of play. I'll bet once you get your light set where you want it, you will rarely reprogram it. I remember burning up at least 2 batteries during my first week of ownership. Now a battery lasts at least a month to illustrate how little it gets clicked now. Remember you have a lifetime warranty on the light; so don't worry.
Click it to your heart's content. I have one of the Betas and have clicked it extensively. Thus far, no problems.

I have problem with my 120p switch, and just order another one from brightguy, this time I order a tactical switch hope that it is more durable
Thanks guys. It's encouraging to hear that there aren't any wear issues to worry about. Naturally strength of parts is very important for any EDC light, especially where all of the work is being done through the switch. Although this light is thicker than my previous Fenix 1 cell pocket EDC light, I really like the heft of this thing. Feels substantial. I'm happy with the trade off with the extra diametre because when I first read the specs of the Novatac EDC range, it quickly dawned on me that I can use my SF filters. Something Fenix cannot do. Also I've found the extra width makes it more stable when tail standing, especially when doing the bleary eyed midnight bathroom run.