novatac, hows yours?

thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
First thing first i think novatac is a great company and Jim is a top notch guy and very helpful But i am wondering with all that sent there lights back for a flickering problem how many got one back that does not flicker on any level Jim hand picked one for me that is 100% better than the one i had but it will still flicker at the 3 lowest levels. but not as bad as my first.Just wondering if i should just accept that it's as good as it is going to be.
I don't know what the flickering problem is. I have an 85P and a 120P and they work as they should as far as I can tell.

I also agree that Jim is good people.

One other thing about mine is that the PWM is not noticeable at all even at the lower levels; I noticed this when comparing to a Milky-modded HDS.
I'll give my answer to this one and please do not take it as criticism. I have been fortunate that my Novatac 120 has not given me any difficulties with which I am aware. That just may sound rather strange but, I have not noticed any particular flickering difficulties. Now, that being said, my vision has never been the very best--I have worn glasses since I was 7 years old and my vision has not improved over the years. I am not vision impaired with corrective lenses however and, I wear "corrective lenses" daily. I just don't see the flickering. Maybe mine doesn't flicker! I also don't hear the buzzing that some owners find evident with another brand of flashlight--a friend of mine just showed me last week that his light buzzed!! Damned if I could hear it though!

None of my flashlights is perfect though---nothing in life is. If the difficulty which you are experiencing is really bothering you, you may have a need to return the light. This is what I believe is called a "judgement call". I sure don't hink you got "ripped off" though!! If you feel you did, get in touch with Jim---he's always been a real sttraight shooter with me!

Howdy thermal guy,
I had to send my original 120P back because the flickering was very noticeable and extremely bothersome to me. As has been mentioned, Jim Schecter was super nice to deal with, and also hand picked a light out for me to try and match the tint of my original which I liked so much.

My new one hasn't exhibited any flickering, and believe me, I've tried to make it flicker.

Now, my original light didn't flicker to start with either, but only began about a week after I got it, or maybe it took me that long to notice it, so it might be that Jim checked yours out, but it hadn't developed a problem yet.

Anyway, for a light in this price range I think you have the right to expect it to work near perfectly at all levels, especially being this close to new, so if it bothers you, I'd contact Jim and see what he has to say. Personally, I think it's worth the trouble to get it taken care of, because those kinds of issues tend to bug me.

BTW, I assume you've tried all the usual fixes, new battery, factory reset, making sure the silver retaining rings in both the tail cap and head are tight, etc.. Let us know how things turn out.
I did notice some flickering at one point, but I was on an Ultrafire rcr123 that was about to lose power. A battery swap later, and I notice no flickering.

I've been making sure to experiment to check for flickering fairly often. Nothing else yet.


Let's hope it stays that way!

Edit: Right afert posting this my light developed the dreaded flicker. Dang. Them I checked the battery, Ultrafire, near end of life (lowish voltage rcr123). Swapped batteries, flicker is gone. Whew!

This is the flicker that was mentioned before, when switching from Max to one of the bottom few levels, a few seconds of flicker. Seems to only happen when my batery is near end of life. Hopefully only due to that and poor battery. No issues so far with AW RCR123s. I'll keep checking.
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First thing first i think novatac is a great company and Jim is a top notch guy and very helpful But i am wondering with all that sent there lights back for a flickering problem how many got one back that does not flicker on any level Jim hand picked one for me that is 100% better than the one i had but it will still flicker at the 3 lowest levels. but not as bad as my first.Just wondering if i should just accept that it's as good as it is going to be.

Thermal Guy, as you and others have mentioned, Jim is a class act and shoots from the hip. He's what you want in a service rep.

I have an 85T and it flickered slightly while on the .3 lumen level when I first received the light. The only thing I can recall doing was seperating the tube (mid section). After I put it back together, I haven't had a problem since.

I agree that at this price point, you have a right to expect the product to operate as described. However, as karlthev pointed out, no flashlight is perfect and I'm sure that Jim and company will apply what they have learned this go around to the next upgrade or offering from Novatac.

I LOVE this light!!!!!