Novatac Spring - Easy fix spring will not fall out anymore (with pictures)


Dec 14, 2006
Copenhagen, Denmark
Got a little tired of the spring inside the body falling out when changing the battery, thought of how I could fix it easy, without damaging the spring.

The solution was easy, took tome tape (just normal Magic Tape), and put one layer of the around the middle section of the spring, in that way increased the diameter, and even protected the inside of the body from scratches.

But was a little worried about how the Magic Tape would withstand the heat of the flashlight when on maximum for longer time, so decided to order some "High Temperature Tape" from DealExtreme, just got it today, and finished the "mod".

Some images:


Just put from one-layer to two-layer of tape on the middle section of the spring

When finished it will look like this (two layer of tape)

You may have to use a little force to get the spring inside the body (use your pointing finger on the middle section to slide it in place from the inside). When finished the spring should hold it self in place, and only come out if you force it

It is an easy fix, I used the 6mm tape, but it is just a tad to wide, go for the 5mm instead IMO. Can only recommend it if you also am tired of the loose spring :).
Like all the best ideas, extremely simple. Excellent - I'm going to do the same to mine.

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