*Battery holders not included
Remove 2nd body section to make it a "Shorty"
Hello Everyone,
This is my second attempt at Mammoth project. The first attempt fails because I couldn't muster battery holders design as I would like. So, this run I will not be offering battery holders. If you are interested in custom battery pack please contact LuxLuthor or fivemega.
Price is slightly higher than previously quoted due to higher material cost and weakening US Dollars. Here is what I have to offer.
Head consist of head and lens and nothing else.
Material: 6061 Aluminum
Diameter: 113mm
Length: 116mm
Reflectors (not included): Will fit 7 x McR-27S, 12 x McR-19XR (estimated) and 4 x Fraen Ostars reflectors
Lens: 89.5mm x 2mm Schott Superwite
Heatsink: Adjustable threaded body for various reflector sizes
Finish: HAIII Natural and HAII Black
[highlight]Price: $250.00[/highlight]
Head fits M@g "D" as it has the same thread. If you already have Tri-bored Mag D and 3x17670 battery holders by Fivemega, you are ready for Mammoth.
Body (2 piece construction)
Material: 6061 Aluminum (made from solid aluminum bar not tube)
Diameter: Outside 50mm, Bore 45mm
Length: ~270mm
Body: Two-piece construction (see picture) with adjustable spring height tail cap
Battery (Not included): Design to work with 4 x 18650 and 8 x 18650
Finish: HAIII Natural and HAII Black
[highlight]Price: $155.00
- Body extension for 12 x 18650 : $50.00
- Shorty body(as in 4th pic) + adjustable tailcap : $105.00[/highlight]
Body is two-piece design which allows for you to stack up batteries in combination with number of LEDs used, whether 4 x 18650, 8 x 18650, 12 x 18650 up to your imaginations.
Design calls for body that is capable of handling custom battery packs and battery holders(should someone decided to make one), which by the way not the same height. I was able to come up with adjustable tail cap spring height, with up to 25mm travel length. Spring sits in threded body housing which threded into the tail cap. Therefore, eliminates the hassle of cutting spring. I'll post pictures as soon as I receive the drawings.
Body does not come with M@g switch or spring. I believe that it is much easier for you to acquire in your country or remove from any M@g D that you have lying around the house. Installing switch and spring are as simple as you would on M@g D. Simply transferred M@g D switch and spring over to Mammoth and you are done. No modification needed.
CNC shop require MOQ of 25pcs each. To make this a reality, I would like to find out how many people are interested. "Serious inquiry please". Once the minimum order quantity is reached, I'll ask those stated interest for 50% deposit. Sorry I don't have cash outlay to get it started without your help Estimated lead time is 2 months.
Payment by PayPal cash or credit to nongvol1@asianet (dot) co (dot) th Credit card please add 4% Do not pay at this time
Shipping is by regular mail. Registered mail please adds $5.00 and I'll be responsible for lost mail should you decided to choose this option. Otherwise, I'm not responsible for lost or undelivered items.
I'll let this run for a while. If 25pcs MOQ is not met, I'll have to scrap the project.
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