Newly Enlightened
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- Oct 24, 2009
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I had a story from the weekend that I thought was funny considering some of the other similar stories I've read here on the forums. We were invited to a Trunk or Treat event at one of my friend's kid's school. For those not familiar with this, it's basically a bunch of people that decorate the trunks of their cars/vans with Halloween stuff and candy so that kids go from car to car trick or treating. So being a long time flashaholic I brought with me my recently purchased D-10. So happens my friends wife dropped one of the decorations on the pavement and it broke into a bunch of pieces. One of the volunteers immediately came over and took out his flashlight with a very dim yellowish beam to help her see where all the pieces had gone before I could even get to my light with my daughter in my arms. I just couldn't resist the urge, so I put my daughter down and fired up the d-10 which had the 47's diffuser on it
Bammmm, the whole area was lite up and the look on the guys face was priceless..You could see the wheels turning in his head as he tried to figure out what the heck was emitting such a bright light in such a small package...He literally mumbled something and just walked away without even inquiring what type of flashlight that was. If the situation was reversed I would have struck up a conversation to see what I was carrying. Just thought I'd share, it was definitely one of those situations that you just had to be there to have seen the look on his face
...This flashlight stuff is very addictive..
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