Now that was funny


Newly Enlightened
Oct 24, 2009
I had a story from the weekend that I thought was funny considering some of the other similar stories I've read here on the forums. We were invited to a Trunk or Treat event at one of my friend's kid's school. For those not familiar with this, it's basically a bunch of people that decorate the trunks of their cars/vans with Halloween stuff and candy so that kids go from car to car trick or treating. So being a long time flashaholic I brought with me my recently purchased D-10. So happens my friends wife dropped one of the decorations on the pavement and it broke into a bunch of pieces. One of the volunteers immediately came over and took out his flashlight with a very dim yellowish beam to help her see where all the pieces had gone before I could even get to my light with my daughter in my arms. I just couldn't resist the urge, so I put my daughter down and fired up the d-10 which had the 47's diffuser on it :) Bammmm, the whole area was lite up and the look on the guys face was priceless..You could see the wheels turning in his head as he tried to figure out what the heck was emitting such a bright light in such a small package...He literally mumbled something and just walked away without even inquiring what type of flashlight that was. If the situation was reversed I would have struck up a conversation to see what I was carrying. Just thought I'd share, it was definitely one of those situations that you just had to be there to have seen the look on his face :)...This flashlight stuff is very addictive..
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Ya, it's always great to see the look on their faces. Yesterday, we had a facility guy up on a ladder drilling into the concrete up in the drop ceiling. He was doing it with no flashlight and it was amazing he could tell where to drill. I pulled out my Surefire L1 and it up. He was like "whoa-thanks!"
I was in a dimly lit bar with a couple of buddies.

Had my Q123 set on moonlight looking for something I dropped, found it, set it back onto turbo like I always do. Set it on the table, buddy picks it up does the classic let's-look-at-the-business-end-while-turning-it-on-routine.

He literally almost falls off the chair, half the bar turns around....:crackup:
Several years ago went to a haunted hayride/forest walk/house thingies with some friends. One of the girls that had attached herself to the back of my coat was being harrased by an obnoxous zombie. Had my old SF 6P on my belt. Next time old dead guy came running out of bushes, zap. He wandered off blind and mumbling something about my mother.
Welcome to CPF, Auggie - good story, lol!

Good contributions from other, too - promising thread!
I was at a dimly lit bar a while back with a group of friends. Just as we arrived, we asked the waitress if we could claim a table that just became available. She said "sure, just let me clear the bottles/glasses off first." As she and a few other waitresses were picking up glasses, bottles, ash trays and wiping the table down, the inevitable occurred. One waitress bumped another waitress who bumped another waitress who happened to be holding all the glasses. Try as she may, a number of glasses jumped from her hands and shattered on the floor sending glass shards under the table and into the darkness.

For a few moments I just stood there, doing nothing, with that all too common question rattling around in my head: "Do I pull out a light and publicly expose my bizarre and peculiar hobby, or do I stand here, play dumb, and cringe at the strife of the unenlightened?"

After a few moments, out came the EO1 followed closely by the smiles of the waitress staff. The waitress on the floor with a rag gave me an immediate thumbs up followed by "Nice, I like that a lot! Thank you!"

The glass was cleaned up in no time, and just as that waitress finished and began to leave, she turns and says to me "Now your friends can't make fun of you for carrying a flashlight with you all the time." :eek:

I've never met this woman before in my life, and I swear every word of this story is true.
LOL! maybe he was too stunned by her very flashaholic comment despite her possibly not being a flashaholic
Well I'll tell you one thing, I'm really glad to have found this forum. I was beginning to think I was amongst the very few who share this flashlight fetish:). So check this out , this was quite comical as well. I work in "corporate America" and I met a guy there that has also been bitten by this lumen bug. So from time to time we gather up a bunch of our favorite or newly purchased lights and bring them into work to show and compare. In order to get the full effect we need darkness right, so off to the corporate board room we go. Lights off, now we do the beam comparisons. So here we are , two guys, alone in a dark room, bunch of flashlights laying on the table, ooops, didn't even think to check whether any meetings were scheduled for that time we were in there. Needless to say door flies open, and here we are aiming our lights against the walls with all lights off..Priceless!!! Lesson learned: Now we check the meeting schedules for that room :)
A friend of mine was organizing a brunch at his place.. the kind of event where everyone brings something to eat and everyone participates in the preparation. At one point, I was supposed to refill the salt shaker. The little metal spout fell into the box, so I instantly grabbed a snail fork at which point some people where surprised I was actually going to try to take it out. Obviously, I needed light, so I whipped out my Quark AA and everyone was stunned and laughed that I had a flashlight on me. 2 minutes later, I had the spout out of the box and everyone applauded.
Well I'll tell you one thing, I'm really glad to have found this forum. I was beginning to think I was amongst the very few who share this flashlight fetish:). So check this out , this was quite comical as well. I work in "corporate America" and I met a guy there that has also been bitten by this lumen bug. So from time to time we gather up a bunch of our favorite or newly purchased lights and bring them into work to show and compare. In order to get the full effect we need darkness right, so off to the corporate board room we go. Lights off, now we do the beam comparisons. So here we are , two guys, alone in a dark room, bunch of flashlights laying on the table, ooops, didn't even think to check whether any meetings were scheduled for that time we were in there. Needless to say door flies open, and here we are aiming our lights against the walls with all lights off..Priceless!!! Lesson learned: Now we check the meeting schedules for that room :)

must have been very akward and every body must have been talking about that..

" did you see Joe1 and Joe2 in the dark together? what was that all about"
For a few moments I just stood there, doing nothing, with that all too common question rattling around in my head: "Do I pull out a light and publicly expose my bizarre and peculiar hobby, or do I stand here, play dumb, and cringe at the strife of the unenlightened?"

I hear ya buddy! My wife and I were at a dance club with a few friends. We were on the crowded dance floor where I noticed a bunch of girls dancing with one girl crouching in the middle. She had an issue fixing her shoe strap because it was dimly lit. The wifey gives me a look. I try not to embarass her and whip out the light. She actually tells me, "Hey honey, why don't you help her out and shine your light?" :thinking:

So, I did. The girl gets her shoe fastened and continues to dance. Her friends gives me a thumbs-up.

Kinda funny. My wife of all people encourages me to...
"... publicly expose my bizarre and peculiar hobby"...
:twothumbs Man, I love my wife!

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