ny driver gets a moving violation ticket in a nj mall parking lot


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 4, 2005
for running a stop sign. cop claims he has video of driver passing the stop sign at 14mph.
the fine is only $85.
the concern is, can points be added to the nys drivers license?
anybody familiar with nys DMV?
should this be fought? dont want the points if there is reciprocity with nys.
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This happened on private property? :confused:

yes, but, the malls here in nj must've contracted them. I see cops all over the place.
this infraction occured in back where little traffic occurs and I was driving straight and normally would've had the right away.
Here in Texas, whenever there is a wreck on private property, the cops don't write tickets, or fine anyone.

Last I heard, those were for use on "public" roads and highways, or anywhere a drivers license is required to operate a motor vehicle.

Is this a "traffic" citation?
Did it come from a security guard in a hard (rentacop) uniform, or a real sworn law enforcement officer?

I used to work security at apartment complexes and was given a stack of citation tickets to write up any residents not following the rules.
I threw them away a few minutes later after my supervisor left the property.
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this was from a real nj cop, blue and red bubbles on top flashing. I have to appear in court if I want to fight it.
dont want those points on my license, if this will carry over to ny.
senecaripple if you get the video can we all watch it :twothumbs were you driving the Toyota , did you have your lights in the window :laughing: ?
senecaripple if you get the video can we all watch it :twothumbs were you driving the Toyota , did you have your lights in the window :laughing: ?

at the next campout, and yea I did have my lights on, but not the toyota. was with Heidi and her mom chauffeuring them around.
as what 3rd shift says I will subpoena the video if one does exist.
it will show how ludicrous the stop sign was situated for me.
Here in Oregon, it's my understanding that police have authority on any public use roadway, public or private makes no difference. Your driveway is not for public use and hence you can't be written a ticket. But a grocery store or mall parking lot is meant for public use and impacts public safety, so police have authority. I came across this when researching where it would be legal to use non-legal colored underbody lighting on a vehicle. I'm not a lawyer and this isn't legal advice.

Here in Oregon, it's my understanding that police have authority on any public use roadway, public or private makes no difference. Your driveway is not for public use and hence you can't be written a ticket. But a grocery store or mall parking lot is meant for public use and impacts public safety, so police have authority. I came across this when researching where it would be legal to use non-legal colored underbody lighting on a vehicle. I'm not a lawyer and this isn't legal advice.


makes sense, just dont understand why a cop would be hiding in an obscure parking lot, in the main lot where most of the violators are is where he should be. that is really dangerous there. they dont stop period.
Hey Senecaripple,

Its Mark from the campout.

I know someone that got a ticket for the same exact thing. In an empty shopping center parking lot in South Jersey on a Sunday. Empty parking lot!!!

She went to court and they dropped the points and she had to pay a fine. I believe that points would transfer to NYC, but I'm not sure, maybe there are some NYC cops on CPF that might know.

Its is probably worth going to court to try and get the points dropped, because I'm pretty sure that will make your insurance go up.

Good Luck,

You should be OK. I'm a NYS driver and I got 2 tickets in NJ the other night (stupid BS, but that's a rant for another thread). Anyway I was worried about the same thing and came across this:


Scroll down a little until you see:

"If I get a ticket for a moving violation in another state, do I receive points on my NYS driver license?"

So we should be ok, I hope. Good luck if you plan on fighting your ticket!
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Get a court date and then cancel it, then do it again :laughing: by the time you do go to court the cop may have a new job :thumbsup:
You should be OK. I'm a NYS driver and I got 2 tickets in NJ the other night (stupid BS, but that's a rant for another thread). Anyway I was worried about the same thing and came across this:


Scroll down a little until you see:

"If I get a ticket for a moving violation in another state, do I receive points on my NYS driver license?"

So we should be ok, I hope. Good luck if you plan on fighting your ticket!

thank you so much! what a relief! I thought for sure I was going to lose my driving privilege for the third time.
nj such a scammy state. they hit me for $400 dollars last year if I didnt fight another bogus ticket, just pay them and no points.
bunch of liars. this was the district attorney of roxbury township.
wonder if I should play with them a little.
call them to plead not guilty as toocool suggest, do that a few times. then when I cant anymore then mail in my $85 fine.
Hey Senecaripple,

Its Mark from the campout.

I know someone that got a ticket for the same exact thing. In an empty shopping center parking lot in South Jersey on a Sunday. Empty parking lot!!!

She went to court and they dropped the points and she had to pay a fine. I believe that points would transfer to NYC, but I'm not sure, maybe there are some NYC cops on CPF that might know.

Its is probably worth going to court to try and get the points dropped, because I'm pretty sure that will make your insurance go up.

Good Luck,


hi mark,

after reading the faq that FrogsInWinter posted, I hope your friend was not scammed too much of her money like I was.
now it's payback, jersey pigs.
Get a court date and then cancel it, then do it again :laughing: by the time you do go to court the cop may have a new job :thumbsup:

that bald head bovine will be cleaning my flashlights.
I do want that video so we can all watch this at the next campout, and laugh at me passing a stop sign doing 14mph at an empty parking lot.
i'll even be gracious enough and invite that swine. he can clean and oil our flashlights.
Yeah, NJ really sucks when it comes to its ticketing tactics.
My father got burned in a similar situation, when he pulled into a corner gas station to fill up. But discovered it was closed, so he drove to the exit on the intersecting road. A cop stopped him and gave him a moving violation for attempting to avoid a red light by using the gas station! When he explained that he was in fact looking for gas, the cop said the station was obviously closed and ignored his pleas.

I was burned at a DWI checkpoint at the Jersey side of the Goethals Bridge.
Traffic was inching along, when a local cop shines his Mag lite into my eyes as I slowly passed. He shouts at me to stop. I stopped and he yells at me, "I you see me tell you to stop?!? He was showing me his right palm opened under the head of the Mag. I replied no, not with me squinting from the beam in my eyes.
He pulls me out, but had no signs of intoxication. So he demands my papers.
I couldn't locate the registration, as I was driving my father's car. The car was obviously registered, as he checked it electronically. So, he gives me a ticket for unable to present proper documents. In NYS, I had 24 hours to prove I was registered. Not in NJ apparently. I fought it and lost in court.
The judge criticized me for presenting my case before him. The nerve of the guy! Ever heard of due process, it's my f#cking right!

I still remember the 80's policies of pulling over blacks and hispanics via racial profiling, illegal drug searches, and enforcing the speed limit on certain highways by cruising squad cars 3 abreast at 55 mph, regulating the traffic flow, causing back ups.

They suck!
Yeah, NJ really sucks when it comes to its ticketing tactics.
My father got burned in a similar situation, when he pulled into a corner gas station to fill up. But discovered it was closed, so he drove to the exit on the intersecting road. A cop stopped him and gave him a moving violation for attempting to avoid a red light by using the gas station! When he explained that he was in fact looking for gas, the cop said the station was obviously closed and ignored his pleas.

I was burned at a DWI checkpoint at the Jersey side of the Goethals Bridge.
Traffic was inching along, when a local cop shines his Mag lite into my eyes as I slowly passed. He shouts at me to stop. I stopped and he yells at me, "I you see me tell you to stop?!? He was showing me his right palm opened under the head of the Mag. I replied no, not with me squinting from the beam in my eyes.
He pulls me out, but had no signs of intoxication. So he demands my papers.
I couldn't locate the registration, as I was driving my father's car. The car was obviously registered, as he checked it electronically. So, he gives me a ticket for unable to present proper documents. In NYS, I had 24 hours to prove I was registered. Not in NJ apparently. I fought it and lost in court.
The judge criticized me for presenting my case before him. The nerve of the guy! Ever heard of due process, it's my f#cking right!

I still remember the 80's policies of pulling over blacks and hispanics via racial profiling, illegal drug searches, and enforcing the speed limit on certain highways by cruising squad cars 3 abreast at 55 mph, regulating the traffic flow, causing back ups.

They suck!

that's profiling and it's still prevalent in NJ, especially with out of state plates. but then they dont discriminate, they gave my teacher colleague a ticket similar to your father's "infraction" this NJ resident pulled into a parking lot where this swine was sitting to ask for directions, he gives her a ticket for avoiding the light.
cpr, courtesy, professional, respect, is something they need to learn.
I wonder how they came up with this list of states?:
If you do not respond to a ticket or fail to pay a fine for a moving violation that you committed in any state except Alaska, California, Michigan, Montana, Oregon or Wisconsin, the DMV suspends your NYS driver license until you respond to the ticket or pay the fine.
NJ cops are the worst, period. I slept away for my first three semesters of college in NJ. I used to cycle a lot when I was done with schoolwork. One day a cop pulls me over. He claims he clocked me at 45 mph in a 25 mph school zone (actually my speedo was close to 50 but maybe with cosine error and/or a small target the radar only read 45). First off, if there was a 25 mph sign it was so small I didn't even see it. Second, school wasn't in session, so as far as I know the normal speed limit of 45 or 50 (I forgot which) applied. Third, if there had been school buses or heavy traffic no way would I have been doing that kind of speed. I ride fast but not reckless. Fourth, I wasn't aware of bikes getting speeding tickets anywhere, ever. It's not like they can take points off your license or otherwise ban you from riding. Besides that, under most circumstances it's pretty much impossible for cyclists to exceed the speed limit by a large margin, even on NYC's streets posted for 30 mph (although I did manage 65 mph on one occasion long ago with a good hill and tailwind). Anyway, without getting into the particulars, I got out of a ticket, but it was nonetheless stupid and annoying to have been pulled over in the first place. He was also annoyed that I didn't stop immediately when he pulled up behind me. Duh, I was going 45+ mph on a downhill-it took me a good half a mile to be able to stop since only my rear brake was working, nothing I could do about that. BTW, NYC cops don't even pull cars over on the 30 mph zones unless they're going at least 45 mph AND driving aggressively. I highly doubt they would pull bikes over for speeding, ever, unless it was coupled with running a red light. Just simply speeding but keeping in your lane, and you're probably safe until at least 55 or so on a major thoroughfare. The main priority is to keep the traffic moving and to go only after the most dangerous drivers, not enforce the letter of the law as seems to be the case in NJ. I once saw a Corvette blow by a cop once on Union Turnpike (posted for 30 mph) doing at least 80. There was no traffic the guy could hit so the cop didn't even bother giving chase. If these were NJ cops he would have been pulled over at 35.

I also remember the NJ cops constantly harassing the bus drivers on the bus route I used to take to go home on weekends. Basically, once they got over about 60 mph (limit on the Turnpike was 55 mph), they risked being pulled over. Not that going that fast was unsafe. Quite the contrary. The NJ Turnpike is a wide, straight road where even 100 mph speeds would be safe in good weather. I'm waiting for the day where we have reasonable speed limits and other sane traffic laws so these cops can go after real criminals and/or very aggressive drivers.

My father got burned in a similar situation, when he pulled into a corner gas station to fill up. But discovered it was closed, so he drove to the exit on the intersecting road. A cop stopped him and gave him a moving violation for attempting to avoid a red light by using the gas station!
This is about the most ridiculous premise for a ticket I've ever seen. Even if the station is open, what if you pull in to get gas but can't see the prices until you're at the pumps, decide the price is too high, and pull out on the intersecting road? Or perhaps want to get air but find out they have one of those pay machines instead of a free hose? Lots of reasons why someone might do this which have nothing to do with avoiding a red light.