Yeah, NJ really sucks when it comes to its ticketing tactics.
My father got burned in a similar situation, when he pulled into a corner gas station to fill up. But discovered it was closed, so he drove to the exit on the intersecting road. A cop stopped him and gave him a moving violation for attempting to avoid a red light by using the gas station! When he explained that he was in fact looking for gas, the cop said the station was obviously closed and ignored his pleas.
I was burned at a DWI checkpoint at the Jersey side of the Goethals Bridge.
Traffic was inching along, when a local cop shines his Mag lite into my eyes as I slowly passed. He shouts at me to stop. I stopped and he yells at me, "I you see me tell you to stop?!? He was showing me his right palm opened under the head of the Mag. I replied no, not with me squinting from the beam in my eyes.
He pulls me out, but had no signs of intoxication. So he demands my papers.
I couldn't locate the registration, as I was driving my father's car. The car was obviously registered, as he checked it electronically. So, he gives me a ticket for unable to present proper documents. In NYS, I had 24 hours to prove I was registered. Not in NJ apparently. I fought it and lost in court.
The judge criticized me for presenting my case before him. The nerve of the guy! Ever heard of due process, it's my f#cking right!
I still remember the 80's policies of pulling over blacks and hispanics via racial profiling, illegal drug searches, and enforcing the speed limit on certain highways by cruising squad cars 3 abreast at 55 mph, regulating the traffic flow, causing back ups.
They suck!