Newly Enlightened
Glad I found this suite.
Unfortunately not till after I got me one of these new fangled gixmo's.
Its a led lenser M14.
Now reading some of this site just confusers a poor simple sole like myself.
Yep it's brighter than a dolpin torch.
There maybe better ones out there cheeper that cook my breafast in the morning as well.
But I got this one and I think it'll do me just fine.
I got it 'cos I can use AA batteries in it.
Seemed promising and bright enough in the venue I got it from.
Read a few threads on this model and it seemed to confuse some of the posters.
I don't mind but.....
can someone tell me in plain good 'old English..well Australian ...........
....... what battereis should I run in this after the ones I got with it go flat.
What to avoid or not use.
I got no manual with it and the lenser site don't seen to say anything far as I can find or tell.
Suppose you are supposed to know this stuff.
I think it will be a good torch and for may do for a bit of close range spotlighting.
What should I expect out of a set of batteries going flat out.
:shrug: Honest
Please Mr lighthouse keeper...shed a little light on me
Glad I found this suite.
Unfortunately not till after I got me one of these new fangled gixmo's.
Its a led lenser M14.
Now reading some of this site just confusers a poor simple sole like myself.
Yep it's brighter than a dolpin torch.
There maybe better ones out there cheeper that cook my breafast in the morning as well.
But I got this one and I think it'll do me just fine.
I got it 'cos I can use AA batteries in it.
Seemed promising and bright enough in the venue I got it from.
Read a few threads on this model and it seemed to confuse some of the posters.
I don't mind but.....
can someone tell me in plain good 'old English..well Australian ...........
....... what battereis should I run in this after the ones I got with it go flat.
What to avoid or not use.
I got no manual with it and the lenser site don't seen to say anything far as I can find or tell.
Suppose you are supposed to know this stuff.
I think it will be a good torch and for may do for a bit of close range spotlighting.
What should I expect out of a set of batteries going flat out.
:shrug: Honest
Please Mr lighthouse keeper...shed a little light on me