O.K. Need some basic help witha len ledser m14


Newly Enlightened
Jun 23, 2010
Rainy bit of FN QLD Australia
Glad I found this suite.
Unfortunately not till after I got me one of these new fangled gixmo's.
Its a led lenser M14.

Now reading some of this site just confusers a poor simple sole like myself.

Yep it's brighter than a dolpin torch.

There maybe better ones out there cheeper that cook my breafast in the morning as well.
But I got this one and I think it'll do me just fine.

I got it 'cos I can use AA batteries in it.
Seemed promising and bright enough in the venue I got it from.

Read a few threads on this model and it seemed to confuse some of the posters.

I don't mind but.....

can someone tell me in plain good 'old English..well Australian ...........
....... what battereis should I run in this after the ones I got with it go flat.

What to avoid or not use.

I got no manual with it and the lenser site don't seen to say anything either..as far as I can find or tell.

Suppose you are supposed to know this stuff.

I think it will be a good torch and for may do for a bit of close range spotlighting.

What should I expect out of a set of batteries going flat out.

:shrug: Honest

Please Mr lighthouse keeper...shed a little light on me
Welcome to CPF, barrabruce :)

You posted in the practice forum. I'll move your thread to LED Flashlights.

With this entry you storm onto the leader board for the Kospap "Typist of the Year" award for 2010. :D
What should I expect out of a set of batteries going flat out.

:shrug: Honest

Please Mr lighthouse keeper...shed a little light on me

:welcome:led lenser do run for quite a while but the direct driven nature of these things (unles a new model with different modes) means the brightness will gradually go down as the batteries discharg the lumins will drop . i say about 2 hours of usful light untill it is not to good but it will run for 180 hours.

This was my understandin of led lenser aniway im sure other's will inform you better


P.S kongrats on this
(DM51 Kospap "Typist of the Year" award for 2010. :D)

ps.ps led lenser only recomend the 1.5 volt batteries alklines the do not recomend rechargbles:thumbsdow
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Kospap "Typist of the Year" award for 2010

Ghee thanks... and to think some would have to try hard to scramble the letters up to obain such an entry. Me I just do it natural like.


Thanks "Epimetheus"

Shall have a look around for those eneloops and charger.

Smaller than the maglite "attitude adjuster" I used to lug around.
Ahh well might just have to blind them or strobe 'em in submission.

These are fantastic torches but you'll definately want to read up on the instructions cos they are complex units with ramping brightness controls, strobes, energy saving modes and a whole heap more.

Try going to ledlenser.com.au and choosing products then choose m series then you'll find an option to view the m series technical guide. There's a whole lot of stuff this torch can do. I just wish I could fit one in my pocket cos it's nearly the best thing since sliced bread.
Be careful because in the past LED Lenser only recommended alkaline batteries in their older lights that did not have regulation like the X21, P7, P14, etcetera. The new M14 has regulation in it so I'm not sure if the "alkaline only" recommendation from LED Lenser still applies.

Note that some owners of those older LED Lensers have used non-alkaline batteries without the lights overheating, but I'm not sure how long they actually ran their lights continuously without alkaline cells in them. If you do decide to go that route, just keep track of the light's temperature and if you see the light output drop considerably, turn it off and let it cool down.
Re: O.K. Need some basic help witha led lenser m14

Be careful because in the past LED Lenser only recommended alkaline batteries in their older lights that did not have regulation like the X21, P7, P14, etcetera. The new M14 has regulation in it so I'm not sure if the "alkaline only" recommendation from LED Lenser still applies.
This is what I need to know
Note that some owners of those older LED Lensers have used non-alkaline batteries without the lights overheating, but I'm not sure how long they actually ran their lights continuously without alkaline cells in them. If you do decide to go that route, just keep track of the light's temperature and if you see the light output drop considerably, turn it off and let it cool down.
I have just discovered the wife has eneloop AA's for her camera.
I will try them..cautiously.
If the smoke gets out of them tiny wires I'm gunna:mecry:.

I have looked up the site and yes it has flat out mode and also a tapering off Ecomomy mode .

:awman: :popcorn:what have I let myself into this time????
From a bloke who still reckon's his 60-70 yr old pressure lamps is pretty hot stuff!!!
Re: O.K. Need some basic help witha led lenser m14

Mate I think in your position I'd be getting the correct information about batteries for the model you have from Led Lenser themselves or perhaps ask them for one of the instruction sheets that are usually shipped with the torches (at least they were with the four Australian shipped LL P series models that I own).

No disrespect to the poster meant but the battery information you are looking at in the above post appears to have been loosely extrapolated from that poster's rather fuzzy knowledge of the experiences of "some owners" of a previous model with a completely different schema and circuitry.

These new M series torches work completely differently so if you can't get official instructions you should at least try to find someone with first hand experience of the new M series rather than rely on information that comes from someone who is only reading about the experience of other owners of an entirely different family of rather unrelated models.

There's already enough untrue myths and distortions about Led Lenser P series torches being propagated on this site through chinese whispers generated by people who don't even own the units, lets not start a fresh lot with the new M series.
Re: O.K. Need some basic help witha led lenser m14

Mate I think in your position I'd be getting the correct information about batteries for the model you have from Led Lenser themselves or perhaps ask them for one of the instruction sheets that are usually shipped with the torches (at least they were with the four Australian shipped LL P series models that I own).

I second this. Email Led Lenser, or look on their site for more info about the batteries. The M series seems to be a rather different beast to the P series, they may have a good reason for recommending alkalines.

There's already enough untrue myths and distortions about Led Lenser P series torches being propagated on this site through chinese whispers generated by people who don't even own the units, lets not start a fresh lot with the new M series.

Hear hear Dave! The LLP7 was my first nice LED torch, and I was severely disheartened when I heard all the bashing of it here... Sure the beam isn't perfect, and it isn't regulated but it's still a damn good light!

The new M series looks champion, and if I hadn't just blown all my money on warm white and neutral white Quarks, I'd buy one in a heartbeat! Enjoy your light barra!

Have a good one,
Ok, guys, let's help the guy out here by giving him some suggestions such as googling Led Lenser on the web, not the CPF google only at the top of every CPF page, though there are some threads and posts that mention the M14 here on CPF. Googling Led Lenser M14 will show some results about the features of the light, and will mention what cells to use, and maybe even a pdf for the M14 users manual. Also, so far this post is mostly ok, without any real contention, so lets try and keep it that way.

Ok, guys, let's help the guy out here by giving him some suggestions such as googling Led Lenser on the web, not the CPF google only at the top of every CPF page,....

Also, so far this post is mostly ok, without any real contention, so lets try and keep it that way
I don't think our mate needs to be skulldragged to google. I already gave him the direct link to the official Led Lenser Australia site which will allow him to ask them directly. That's a much better option than wading through google I reckon.

And rest easy, I agree that there's nothing particularly contentious in your post.
I don't think our mate needs to be skulldragged to google. I already gave him the direct link to the official Led Lenser Australia site which will allow him to ask them directly. That's a much better option than wading through google I reckon.

And rest easy, I agree that there's nothing particularly contentious in your post.

Dave, thank you for correcting me.

One should not be required to contact manufacturer to ask what kind of batteries they can use. So if they did not mention anything about it in the manual/package you should be safe with all the commonly available AA-sized 1.5V battery types(Alkaline, NiMH and the "1.5V" primary lithiums).

I only have small doubts about the "1.5V" primary lithium batteries, because they are really be closer to 1.8V when fresh(so if the electronics in the light are not designed with big enough tolerances they might get fried). So if you want to use them and play safe you might want to ask the manufacturer first just to be sure.

Oh, and if you do contact Led Lenser please let us all know what you found out. :)
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One should not be required to contact manufacturer to ask what kind of batteries they can use
of course not, but the fact that the retailer left out the usual white paper LL factory instruction sheet (assuming the torch is on fact genuine and not one of the counterfeits that LL talk of on their website) doesn't really make it prudent to make assumptions on what types of battery are safe to use.
of course not, but the fact that the retailer left out the usual white paper LL factory instruction sheet (assuming the torch is on fact genuine and not one of the counterfeits that LL talk of on their website) doesn't really make it prudent to make assumptions on what types of battery are safe to use.

Oh, missed that part, sorry.
But still, I can not see any reason why alkalines or NiMH's would not be safe in a regulated light (Alkalines being the "standard" battery, and NiMH's running even lower voltage than alkalines).
Emailed led lenser Aust
No reply yet. :shrug:

I didn't get the destruction manual with mine that is why I was asking.

I have used the eneloop rechargeables a few times now in it and apart from just getting warm to the feel they have not kicked off any override safe mode.
Same suggestive feel as the alkaline batteries.

They go a good honest 2 hrs at least flat out. :twothumbs

Been spotting squid with it down the harbour with it and I think the light is too bright and is sending them deeper :thumbsup: So just a least that many hrs for sure testing.

Everyone is blown away with the out put of it.

Yes I must live in the back waters and associate with over cave dwellers.
Errgh bright as a headlight on high beam but smaller spot if anyone asks.

:clap:Thanks for all the help.

Wonder how good a led 12 volt spotlight would throw.

Hey Guys,
I'm new around here, joined because of this post actually.

I have a M7, and my understanding is that this and the M14 is exactly the same except larger to accommodate the AA cells. The chip is the same and the controller is the same.

I got with mine the relative paper work, I have taken a picture but I see there is no way of uploading here, so I quote

Battery Pack
4xAAA/LR03/Micro (1.5V DC) (Item No.7721)
Also all other kinds of AAA-batteries incl. high current batteries and 1.2V AAA-accumulators (e.g. NiMH) can be used

My friend bought a P5 and this does state that rechargables or some of them atleast should not be used, this indicates to me that the problems faced with regards to these have been resolved by the controller.

As for battery life, I am still awaiting delivery of my M14, but have run some tests on my M7, results are.

Both tests I ran the batteries from new to flat in the constant current mode. Flat being the point after the warning by 3 flashes and the point where the light actually switched off.

Uniross NIMH 1000mAh AAA cells from full charge (1.46V) took just under 2hours. Cost ZAR 120.00 + Charger ZAR 250.00

Energizer advanced AAA cells from full charge (1.67V) took just under 1h40min. Cost ZAR 50.00.

So for me it makes sense to get some decent rechargables and use those.
You could try energizer ultimate lithium, but those cost the same as rechargables, so I dont see you getting much more value out of them.

Also I think you can expect better results in on off conditions, as the battery becomes wastefull under constant demand as it gets warm and so on.
Have you got any concrete idea of the battery life of the M14, I would assume that it should be around 6 hours with the AA Cells being about 3000mAh.

How is this light for carrying and having in ones pocket or on your belt?:confused:

Hope this helps:duh2:
Thanks for that info from the destruction manual.
I got no reply from Led Lenser. :(

I will do a "eneloop " Sanyo battery test with mine and time it for you.

The torch feels ... Hmm quite solid it one hands more like big old maglight than the smaller AAA ones I have picked up.

It is a bit short to tuck into your armpit and wind a fishing line and keep it in one spot but do-able.
(I put a long lead on it and throw it over my head)

Not the best points are.

It feels sort of slippery in the hands ..but I haven't dropped it yet.
Well not as grippy as a deeper knurling would be.

The clippy thing I have honed out with some wet and dry paper wrapped around a bit of pipe. I can now get it in and out of the clip with out too much hastle and not ripping your duds off.

I am well pleased with this thou.

Results in the next few days.


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