Odd befuddling RCR123 problem


Newly Enlightened
Nov 22, 2004
Here's the setup

2 RCR123s

both measuring about 3.6v pretty freshly charged [they are 900mah batteries]

in an E2D body, with a valiant adapter and a Malkoff M60 light module.

Runs for about three minutes, then quits...no dimming no nuthin'.

But...put in a pair of primaries into the E2d, although dimmer, it runs and runs.

Take the RCR123s and throw them in the solarfoce or an inova or a dspeck pocket rocket

and they run fine. [solarforce and dspeck are one cell lights, inova is 2 cell]

Is it that the malkoff simply draws more current and the RCR123 batteries are getting old?

Is this a balance issue [which I THOUGHT I covered because I measured to be sure that voltage was same on batteries when i put em in, although I am not sure this means they are truly balanced]

I have this feeling I am missing something, just not sure what!

Thanks a million!
