Oh Boy a New Toy!!!!

Doesn't this look like the StarLite 128, that

Nope, the Teknolite is definately a "real" torch- 4 regular Nichia LEDs, 3AAs+lanyard supplied, waterproof to 100 meters (~300ft), twist-head switch and to top it off (and make it sound a little less like just a seethrough bendy-shaped Tektite Trek-4) there are two little Traser glow tubes in the head so you can find it in the dark
I ordered mine this evening, with luck it should be here by the end of the week and a review should follow soon after (maybe even in the new format if you`re all good
). This is one I`ve been waiting to see for quite some time, hope it`s as good as I expect.

I saw that same light 3-4 months ago also. BTW-how did you find out it has two traser tubes in it's head? -Just curious

Hurry up and GET this light, and I promise to be on good behaviour
Just wondering where you can find the details on this light. I based my previous comments by just looking at it. The body seems to be very much like the plastic that is used to make the StarLite. Is that batteries within the body, or the tubes you have been talking about? If they are the tubes, why is it not lighted? This site link does not clearly describe the workings of this light. This is making me wonder if I have really missed something here...
Another page from members only page ---- http://www.traser.com/cgi-bin/products.cgi?act=list_product_detail&id=982929132&x=62& y=58 . I suggest becoming a member. The code for the free glowring is 151001 .

Also on trasers in above web page -

• Easy find traser locator lights

MORE.. go here http://www.traser.com/images/pages/990801208_large.jpg look close at bottom of light, notice light blue glow(s).

If the above doesn't fill your screen and put a slide bar at the bottom, try this http://upinmaine.com/990801208_large.jpg.

Two final notes - 1. when they first started out with this torch it was suppose to be good for 200 metres- see http://www.traser.com/cgi-bin/products.cgi?act=list_products&category=Torches.
2. "TEKNOLITE torch has two traser lights integrally moulded into the lens housing" - must have changed location if at bottom - Chris let us poor blokes know where they ended up in the production model.

Must be was not as strong a plastic as they thought - but hey who here will volunteer to go to 100 metres with it - NOT ME.

Best Regards,
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chas:
Not sure us "Yanks" can get the free glowring with the order<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I know that you cannot get them legally, but maybe they don't care about it too much.
Since it glows for 10 years without needing any external power source, it must use radioactive elements.

In the USA, you can get some tritium-powered stuff (I think that Glow-Bug has some). However, for this stuff to be that bright, it must have a whopping lot of the stuff.

Is it safe???? I know that it is only neutorns being expelled, and that they are easily blocked, but there must be a reason that they are banned.

But, then again, the USA is not exactly consistent about things. The rest of the world has access to an aritificial sweetener that is safer than saccherin, but it is banned in the USA because it is unsafe.
Anyone want to start a group buy? Someone from Europe can purchase them and send them over the Big Pond. I doubt if it's illegal for personel gifts.
So many questions and I still havn`t had anything to eat today (it`s long past lunch time!). OK let`s see....

Doug, Warren, looks like your question was answered by Chas- indeed, the full description was on the member`s offer page. I signed up to their mailing list a while ago when I first saw it and got the note that they had finally got some yesterday.

2. "TEKNOLITE torch has two traser lights integrally moulded into the lens housing" - must have changed location if at bottom - Chris let us poor blokes know where they ended up in the production model.

As far as I know they are still in the head. In that photo what you see is a lens flare- Traser glowrings aren`t that bright unfortunately.

Since it glows for 10 years without needing any external power source, it must use radioactive elements.
In the USA, you can get some tritium-powered stuff (I think that Glow-Bug has some). However, for this stuff to be that bright, it must have a whopping lot of the stuff.

You seem to misunderstand how it works. The two Tritium elements molded into the head are the same things as are in Traser Glowrings. They just emit a slight but noticeable-in-the-dark glow. The main light (as shown in Traser`s photos) is provided by four Nichia white LEDs.

Anyone want to start a group buy?

I`ll leave that one to someone else, I hardly find time to sleep these days!

How much do these Teknolite's go for?

About GB£30 which is nearly $45.

You`ll all be among the first to know when it arrives here, don`t worry about that.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chas:
Must be was not as strong a plastic as they thought - but hey who here will volunteer to go to 100 metres with it - NOT ME<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I can flush one down a toilet and see if it survives unbroken.

I can hear it now... "Hey, did you know your can is glowing blue?"

This does bring up a good question though. Are any of us reviewers or other folks equipped at all to test a flashlight to water depths of more than a foot or two?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Is it safe???? I know that it is only neutorns being expelled, and that they are easily blocked, but there must be a reason that they are banned. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

For anyone curious about Tritium, here's some text from an article with respect to watches:
Radiation Dose

A wearer of a radium-dialed watch will receive a gonadal dose of not more than 4 mrad/yr. This is to be compared to the natural radiation dose of 100-300 mrad/yr. A NY-LA flight will give a dose of about 1 mrad. The wearer of a metal-backed Tritium dialed watch receives a much lower dose: about 0.03 mrad/yr. The dose from GTLS watches should be significantly lower than 0.03 mrad/yr because the Tritium is sealed in glass capsules. The rad has dimensions of energy absorbed per unit mass, and is equal to 100 ergs/gram. The S. I unit is the Gray (Gy) and is equal to 1 Joule/kilogram. 1 rad = 1 cGy (centiGray).

See "Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation", 2nd ed., Fred Mettler and Arthur Upton, W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1995, chpt. 2, "Sources of Radiation Exposure", p. 42.

Tritium is a pure beta emitter, with a beta range of 6 mm in air, 0.0052 mm in water. Thus, the beta particles cannot even penetrate the dead layer of the skin, which is 0.07 mm thick. The danger from Tritium comes from ingestion or absorption of Tritium through the skin. The beta particles from a Tritium decay within the body can in fact damage cells.
Totally plastic watches ( i. e. with plastic backs = Swatch) containing Tritium paint can allow some Tritium gas to diffuse through the back of the watch and thence through the wearer's skin. The concentration of Tritium in the urine for these wearers is ten times higher than that of persons wearing Tritium watches with metal backs. This amount is EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY low. This gives an annual dose of 0.4 to 2 mrads, less than that of a Radium-dialed watch.

For the complete article, click here.

Bottom line. Nothing to worry about (just don't eat it).
O.K. I went to the posted links. Looks cuwl. Where does one go to sign up for membership?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by RonM:

Bottom line. Nothing to worry about (just don't eat it).

Wonder why the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has such a stick up their @$$ about tritium glow devices then.
Are any of us reviewers or other folks equipped at all to test a flashlight to water depths of more than a foot or two?

Well there was my ill-fated "Tube of Doom" which was 2 feet long. More recently I found a 6ft long plastic drain pipe, not seethrough like the Tube but still usable- if I blocked one end and filled it with water, I could lower small torches down inside on a string with measurements on, to the required level. That would be OK for the Arc-AAAs and Photon-3s that have a waterproof rating of only a few feet.

100 metres? Well, as an overweight, agrophobic, part time fire alarm engineer and EE student, and someone who doesn`t even go swimming let alone diving, I don`t have access to depths of any kind.

I think Brock has a swimming pool, and doesn`t he dive too now and then? If not, well maybe someone else here who goes diving now and then (I know there are a few), could be loaned the occasional light and see if it really does hold up to the deep.

Although I doubt that anyone here would be able to test a Trek-4 to see if it really can withstand 1000 feet. Very long fishing line over the side of a boat maybe?

I jumped in this thread 'cause I made a casual suggestion in the Surefire Forum a few months back about a Tritium insert in the body of their product. A got the idea from a tactical folding blade that had a Tritium insert in the thumbstud used to open the knife. ...hhhmmm, interesting. Nice to see the idea reach fruition.

I know this comment belongs in another section of the forum but it is appropriate as it relates to the function of the Tritium inserts.

Additionally, the other evening I heard something go bump in the night. My nightstand sentinels are a 9mm semiauto with Novak Tritium sights. The other 'nel is the Surefire 12ZM. I knocked it over and onto the floor cause I couldn't see it as I did the 9mm.

Another tidbit - Sometimes I place my Luminox watch around the 12ZM just to be able to see the torch if I awaken in the middle of the night.

Tritiums inserts are a good idea!

BTW, the 9mm is always in a safe box at beside. I have trained myself to operate the Simplex lock by feel. I guess I'll need to have Tritium inserts on the buttons of that lock, too.
Wonder why the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has such a stick up their @$$ about tritium glow devices then

Maybe they`re scared that one day a small child will break open a Glowring, chew up the little Borosilicate glass vial inside, and they`ll get radiation sickness for a few days? The parents then will take Traser to court, the public will be brainwashed by mis-informed Press during the case, saying that "it was a disaster waiting to happen" or something, and all Tritium based glow devices will be banned outright in a knee-jerk reaction by the government, to keep the public happy.

But let`s face it, that`s very unlikely to happen. There`s more risk to human life by crossing a road- are they going to ban that too? Ban cars?! Doesn`t make sense to me.

But I suppose people are always more afraid of things they don`t totally understnd, and radiation has gained a very bad reputation over the years. Tell someone those pretty glowing tubes are radioactive and they may get scared.

BTW look up in that smoke detector alarm on your celing. There`s a lump of radioactive material in there too

<font size="1">don`t worry, it is very small, and totally harmless so log as you don`t take it apart and eat that little bit of Americum inside.</font>

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>my previous post:
The body seems to be very much like the plastic that is used to make the StarLite.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I guess I may have started something here which not my intent. For all I know, it may survive the dive, but my comments is in regards to the cheap looking plastic (as with the StarLite in Craig's test). It cracked with a slight drop to the floor. It would not function after this. Check out the very bottom of my previous link to his site. This is what worries me about the quality of this light. Just an observation...
KT. I'm with you on the easy to find tactical light. Tritium sounds great. I do like the looks of this torch. Now, how can we (or I)get one? BTW, I also saw that knife, it's pricy($350?).