Yep, it popped apart into a million pieces
The only question I have is about the brass piece that fits into the switch spring, the one with the little shoulder on it.
That post shows it over the washer on the switch side, going into the spring.
But this one shows it coming out of the spring on the ground side.
I don't have another C to take apart and check.
I tried it both ways, the first way with it on the switch side feels right as it isn't pushing against the set screw and forcing the ground contact away from the switch housing.
But, the second way seems right too, as the inside of the switch body seems to have a little ring molded into it that something should be pushing against.
One of the pics in about the middle of the post shows the switch with the ground removed and a red wire coming out, next to a heatsink with an ssc p4 on it. In that one you can see the brass part without having to completely take the switch apart. So, if someone was to remove a switch from a C mag for me they could look into that end and tell pretty quick.
The only question I have is about the brass piece that fits into the switch spring, the one with the little shoulder on it.
That post shows it over the washer on the switch side, going into the spring.
But this one shows it coming out of the spring on the ground side.
I don't have another C to take apart and check.
I tried it both ways, the first way with it on the switch side feels right as it isn't pushing against the set screw and forcing the ground contact away from the switch housing.
But, the second way seems right too, as the inside of the switch body seems to have a little ring molded into it that something should be pushing against.
One of the pics in about the middle of the post shows the switch with the ground removed and a red wire coming out, next to a heatsink with an ssc p4 on it. In that one you can see the brass part without having to completely take the switch apart. So, if someone was to remove a switch from a C mag for me they could look into that end and tell pretty quick.