Ok, Now I am looking for the best 2 AA thrower


Sep 30, 2008
The best 2 AA thrower! Needs consistent output. I have a Tk20, but I want more throw!
Re: Ok, Now I am looking for...

Not really much out there. If you want real throw start with a Dereelight DBS or play with the big boys with an HID.
There may be a light or two that throws marginally better but not anything really noticeable. Not without doing some modding at least.
Re: Ok, Now I am looking for...

The JetBeam Jet-I Pro EX V2 is probably as throwy as 2xAA gets, 200 lumens through an oversized reflector. The 1-cell version (Jet-I Pro, non-EX) might actually throw a little better, since it'll accept 4.2V/a Li-ion 14500 cell and outputs 225 lumens that way.
Re: Ok, Now I am looking for...

The JetBeam Jet-I Pro EX V2 is probably as throwy as 2xAA gets, 200 lumens through an oversized reflector. The 1-cell version (Jet-I Pro, non-EX) might actually throw a little better, since it'll accept 4.2V/a Li-ion 14500 cell and outputs 225 lumens that way.

Can you tell if the jetBeam Jet-I Pro EX V2 will be "marginally better" (20' or less) or significantly better (20' or more).
Re: Ok, Now I am looking for...

The EX is the two cell version, I'm saying the one cell version with a Li-ion battery would throw slightly farther, 20' more useful light wouldn't be out of the question. But again, that's on a non-standard battery, on regular batteries (alkaline/lithium/NiMH) the two cell would easily throw farther.
Re: Ok, Now I am looking for...

I can't think of anything that might have more throw then the Tk20 off the top of my head. Mods yes but stock, I can't think of any.

If the TK20 has a similar reflector to the Eagletac P10A2, then it should about match the Jetbeam Jet-1 but the TK20 has a neutral white LED.
Re: Ok, Now I am looking for...

AS I asked in another of my threads... Can anyone compare any of these light with the Streamlight Propolymer Luxeon 4AA?
The only thing that comes to my mind would be a D-mini with the 2AA tube.
Doesn't sound like there's very many options better over the tk20... Is the there a reputable seller for jetbeam?

A link would be nice.
I've got a Tiablo A9 and am very happy with the throw.
Bought it at THE auction site, it's 256 lumens and good for 3.5 hours. I paid something like $75.
Doesn't sound like there's very many options better over the tk20... Is the there a reputable seller for jetbeam?

A link would be nice.

In the US? Bug Out Gear. For future reference everything having to do with dealers happens in the Marketplace Forum not here on CPF proper. Go check it out.

The Jetbeam or the new Eagletac 2AA lights will only be marginally better. Not much difference to your eyes in real use. If you're interested in an eagletac check out PTS. The marketplace also has information about CPF discounts :D.
In the US? Bug Out Gear. For future reference everything having to do with dealers happens in the Marketplace Forum not here on CPF proper. Go check it out.

The Jetbeam or the new Eagletac 2AA lights will only be marginally better. Not much difference to your eyes in real use. If you're interested in an eagletac check out PTS. The marketplace also has information about CPF discounts :D.

My little quirk is if they are only "marginally better" than what's the point in getting a whole new light...
Maybe I ought to seat back and enjoy the tk20 until a real 2xAA gem comes out.
Thanks a lot guys, I mean it... I know I am getting damn annoying now...
I still am really curious... How the heck the TK20 compares to the Propolymer luxeon 4AA...
While the propoly has decent throw, it's 40 lumens of throw. Unless you SSC or TFFCK2 mod it (not sure if anyone's done it and posted pics of that) it's not going to out throw the light you have right now.

Sitting back may be a good idea of you're dead set on AA's.
Maybe Nightcore will release a D20 with a GDP LED and smooth emitter in the future.
i have a malkoff 3c that i run with 3aa and it outthrows my tk20 with a very creamy neutral beam.
Hi all, I am a serious new here, so please bear with me if I don't do something right!:tinfoil:
I too am looking for a decent 2 AA "thrower" and have been looking at the Jetbeam,but the Olight T25T has interested me a little more as it does not have the newer XP-G emmiter.
Does anyone have much experience with this light? I have found some, but not alot of info on how it compares for throw.
Thanks in advance!
Your TK20 is about 6000 Lux (measures throw). The best 2xAA thrower is the Dereelight Javelin with the smooth reflector and an XR-E R2 emitter. That will be about 9000 lux with 2 AA batteries. If you get an extension tube for an extra battery, it measures 10,000 lux with 3 AA batteries. Flashlightconnection sells this verion of the light (they call it the Javelin 3S WC cool). If you get an XP-G it will be brighter but only about 7000 lux so you want the XR-E. You will notice the Javelin XR-E is a better thrower than a TK20 but it is not going to be a difference that just blows you away.

If you want to stick with AA batteries, get a Fenix TK40. This may be WAY too big for you since it is a big light which uses 8 AA batteries. It puts out about 20,000 Lux. Clearly is is much larger than a Javelin or TK20 which are both 2xAA. Don't get the TK45 - it does not have much throw.

If you really want a lot of throw in a small package, you will need to get rid of the AA batteries and go to Cr123a or 18650.

Anyway, in the 2xAA format a Javelin XR-E will be the best your going to get without getting creative.

If you want to get creative, you can put the Javelin XR-E pill into a Dereelight DBS head. You would need the Dereelight 3xCR123a extension tube connected to the DBS head with the Javelin pill but use 2xAA batteries in the 3xCR123a extension tube (2xAA are the same lingth as 3xCR123a). The diameter of the AA is a little less so you would have some battery rattle but that option measures at 20,000 lux on 2xAA batteries.
I believe you can buy all the parts separately to do this.

clear as mud?
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