Ok which hotwire? Here's what I'm thinking...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 14, 2005
Orange County
So back on black Friday I grabbed a $9.99 3D mag from Lowes in the mindset that I'd mod it. I plan on getting the FM 9aa to 3D cell adaptor, a MOP reflector / Boro lens combo, and the G4 bi-pin socket. I'm planning on running eneloops in it for now, since that's what I have enough of.

Now the question is, which bulb? I was thinking 1185. Will it be fine with the 13.5 initial volts? Is there something that will withstand that voltage better?

As a side note, I can't wait to go to the place I used to work and check out the bulb cabinet (used to work in a camera shop). They have a walk in closet full of archaic bulbs from projectors and whatnot, and I know there's plenty of bi-pin goodness in there. Now I just need to figure out whats doable.

Thanks in advance for any help.
You will be fine with that setup. That is the old tried and true mag85 recipe. The nominal voltage you will be working with is 10.8V not 13.5.
Just rest your cells after you take them off the charger and you will be fine. 12.6V from freshly charged cells is pushing the bulb but with the resistance of the stock switch and G4 Bi-Pin socket you should not have any problems anyways.
Awesome guys, thank you very much for the info. Out of curiosity, how bright do I need to get to have a light that will make newspaper smolder / burn?
you can start smoldering newspaper with a ~30W modified mag, making fire is easier up above 50W but takes some time, 75W+ will get things going more quickly, 100W+ in a mag will make fire in under 3 seconds in most cases. Best is to use DARK areas of print on the paper, it will absorb the heat rather than reflect it. Be careful with these powerful mag mods, if they get turned on by accident unattended they CAN START FIRES. The 1185 will probably get things smoldering but might be hard to start a fire with. (it's around 30W range)...

As for the eneloops and instaflashing, you shouldn't have anything to worry about, 13.5V is never going to get the bulb. Remember you have voltage sag under load of the cell, and on top of that if you don't do any resistance fixes to the host you can expect to loose about another 0.5V or more through the host. You MIGHT be able to get 12V to the bulb FRESH and HOT off the charger for a few moments, but I doubt even that.
Great info, thank you! Here's a question. The Kiu socket seems to be the almighty high temp socket, and I would assume it includes less resistance.

1- Still easy to be found?
2- Would one of these matter in my set up? Meaning would the voltage I'm running benefit from this at all? How bright can I go on a 3d mag setup?
Great info, thank you! Here's a question. The Kiu socket seems to be the almighty high temp socket, and I would assume it includes less resistance.

1- Still easy to be found?
2- Would one of these matter in my set up? Meaning would the voltage I'm running benefit from this at all? How bright can I go on a 3d mag setup?

[1] Yes Very Easy KIU should still have some + thier cheap http://candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=171607

[2] By doing this you would create less resistance which means a high voltage to the globe, which could also cause instaflash if its too high

[3] You can go Crazy on a 3d mag just need the $$$
Here is Lux's most power maglite list
Thier is some in thier a mag3d can do
(3D made the 3rd on the list)
Just rest your cells after you take them off the charger and you will be fine. 12.6V from freshly charged cells is pushing the bulb but with the resistance of the stock switch and G4 Bi-Pin socket you should not have any problems anyways.

I am still on my first 1185 bulb in about three years of light use. It has been getting alot more use now with 3 AW C cells and I drop them right in off either my triton or my Tenergy if charging multiple cells. I also drop my CBP1650's right off either of my maha C808M's and have had no problems there either. The nimh setup is definately safer do drop in right off the charger than the LiIon setup though. Rest the cells if you like, but as stated I always just drop mine right in. YMMV though.

I have both KIU setups and fivemega adaptors. Honestly I prefer the fivemega drop ins for their ease of use and the fact that they never start to loosen up their grip like one of my KIU sockets have. I am not sure why the one KIU socket has started gripping the bulb loosely. It could have been a user error somehow. Either way, I need to take the light apart and resolder a new socket assembly in which is kind of a PITA. The fivemega holder requires me to put a slight bend in the legs of the bi pin bulb to get a real tight fit, but they will never loosen up. Either solution will work great, I would just buy an extra socket if you go with the KIU setup. Also, if you go with a monster mag the KIU socket will be the best bet as the mag post is plastic and members have had them melt even with extra long runs on the ROP Hi setup which is far from a mag monster. It is all in what you want to put together in the end on which is the best setup in my opinion. This post kind of sounds like I am slamming the KIU socket which is not my intention. It is a great product that is made of high quality parts. I just have preferences of a different setup for lower wattage mag builds.
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