Old Mag 2D - What are my options LED, HID, Incan???


Newly Enlightened
Oct 19, 2007
Good morning folks, just wanted to ask the CPF collective on my options.

I have an old 2D cell maglite and following my first successful project building a set of CREE LED bikelights and learning a lot in the process I'm now looking at this old light in a very different way and what to turn it into something fiesty and useful

My first though was to use the same technology as I used in the bike light


This uses the MR11 Cree kit from cutter. Q5 Led's and a maxflex driver with either a 6 volt or 7.2 volt battery.

I can see how I would put togther a 4 or 5 LED light using a maxflex driver and a 9.6 volt (8AA cell) NiMH battery (I wouldn't have to bore the maglite out as its definitely big enough already)

What other options have a got? What about HID and ROP type builds? I'd like to make the most of the battery space I have and this seems to rule out a ROP build as that seems 6 cell specific.

Oh, and I'm in the UK so need pointers on where to get stuff from too. At the moment its all coming from Australia :eek: Cutter have been really good with packaging things 'correctly' and reducing import taxes, when I've got stuff from the states before its been more of a problem for some reason

Any pointers gratefully recieved

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