Olight M20 warrior 3 cell


Jul 9, 2006
Would an Olight M20 warrior 3 cell be a good thing more run time better feel for us ham fisted types :confused: I assume it would be an M30 warrior then :D or are there any extensions made for one :devil:
I was thinking more run time and something longer to get my big freak hands around it length wise , I Emailed Olight and they gave me some inside info about something being released :twothumbs so I might just one of the new ones :devil:
Me too me too. I want to know. I just bought a M20 off of CPFMP and who knows it may go up for sale there soon if the new offering is worthy.:drool:
I've got two M-20's and I have been saving in anticipation of what Olight, Surefire, Fenix, Nitecore might release this year. Can you send me the info too?
Any chance sending me the information also?
I just yesterday purchased an M20 Warrior Premium R2 from a CPF member.

I hate to ask but can you send me the info too :thumbsup: :twothumbs
Man you opened a can of worms!!! Any chance youll toss one to this little birdie?:twothumbs
Me !

Me !

(raises hand, and waves it wildly !)


(geez, why not simply post it right here, in PigLatin, fer' instance)


PS: Thank you !
PM sent , I was looking for a can of worms smilie but didnt see one , I would just post the Email on the forum but i dont know if the moderators want us to do that stuff or if the original Email was a big company secret