Just wanted to share a quick story from last night at work.
I received a call of a burglary in progress from a concerned citizen. I entered a house under construction which had no power and was pitch black.
Another officer arrived on scene before me and had cleared the basement already.... or so he thought.
Unfortunately our department issued out the streamlight polystinger awhile ago, and most of the lights have either crapped out, or the rechargeable batteries can barely hold a charge, resulting in a dim orange light when the flashlight is turned on. The first officer that checked out the house had the above light.
Not too long ago, thanks to cpf, I purchased the Olight M30 and had it with me last night. This light lit up the house like a Christmas tree, and when I swept the basement, I easily spotted the offender hiding underneath the stairs. Everyone was impressed by the Olight and even the a-hole that broke into the house commented on its blinding brightness.
A lot of guys I work with don't really care or maintain their flashlight for whatever reason. Most of them rely on the side spotlight on the squad car or the city street/alley lights to light everything up, and in most cases thats all you need - but not all.
I just wanted to take the time and share this story with all of you, and just to thank you collectively. I wouldn't have bought the Olight M30 without the info you all expertly and freely post on cpf. I just wanted to let everyone know that I appreciate the time everyone takes to check and re-check data and the effort that it takes to test lights and submit reveiws of new lights that become available.
In short, :thanks:and lovecpf
I received a call of a burglary in progress from a concerned citizen. I entered a house under construction which had no power and was pitch black.
Another officer arrived on scene before me and had cleared the basement already.... or so he thought.
Unfortunately our department issued out the streamlight polystinger awhile ago, and most of the lights have either crapped out, or the rechargeable batteries can barely hold a charge, resulting in a dim orange light when the flashlight is turned on. The first officer that checked out the house had the above light.
Not too long ago, thanks to cpf, I purchased the Olight M30 and had it with me last night. This light lit up the house like a Christmas tree, and when I swept the basement, I easily spotted the offender hiding underneath the stairs. Everyone was impressed by the Olight and even the a-hole that broke into the house commented on its blinding brightness.
A lot of guys I work with don't really care or maintain their flashlight for whatever reason. Most of them rely on the side spotlight on the squad car or the city street/alley lights to light everything up, and in most cases thats all you need - but not all.
I just wanted to take the time and share this story with all of you, and just to thank you collectively. I wouldn't have bought the Olight M30 without the info you all expertly and freely post on cpf. I just wanted to let everyone know that I appreciate the time everyone takes to check and re-check data and the effort that it takes to test lights and submit reveiws of new lights that become available.
In short, :thanks:and lovecpf
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