Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks to CPF


Aug 20, 2009
Chicago, IL
Just wanted to share a quick story from last night at work.

I received a call of a burglary in progress from a concerned citizen. I entered a house under construction which had no power and was pitch black.

Another officer arrived on scene before me and had cleared the basement already.... or so he thought.

Unfortunately our department issued out the streamlight polystinger awhile ago, and most of the lights have either crapped out, or the rechargeable batteries can barely hold a charge, resulting in a dim orange light when the flashlight is turned on. The first officer that checked out the house had the above light.

Not too long ago, thanks to cpf, I purchased the Olight M30 and had it with me last night. This light lit up the house like a Christmas tree, and when I swept the basement, I easily spotted the offender hiding underneath the stairs. Everyone was impressed by the Olight and even the a-hole that broke into the house commented on its blinding brightness.

A lot of guys I work with don't really care or maintain their flashlight for whatever reason. Most of them rely on the side spotlight on the squad car or the city street/alley lights to light everything up, and in most cases thats all you need - but not all.

I just wanted to take the time and share this story with all of you, and just to thank you collectively. I wouldn't have bought the Olight M30 without the info you all expertly and freely post on cpf. I just wanted to let everyone know that I appreciate the time everyone takes to check and re-check data and the effort that it takes to test lights and submit reveiws of new lights that become available.

In short, :thanks:and lovecpf
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Re: Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks the CPF

good stuff :D i could see you having a flashlight briefcase in the trunk and when the time calls you bust it open and have several choices for the need , tiablo aspheric for distance spotting , tk40 M30 for clearing wall of light etc.
Re: Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks the CPF

Great story!
Re: Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks the CPF

Yes thanks for sharing that, pity the force don't issue these!!
I have learned a lot from my short time on here, and it has saved me money not buying rubbish.
I have a lot of respect for what you guys do, much more so in your country than mine(uk) as there are not many guns here, but slowly getting worse.
Anyway thanks for the story, and stay safe.
Re: Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks the CPF

Great story! Perhaps there might be a market there for you ( if the department wont upgrade the lights). In either case, it looks like you raised their awareness for the need.

And Tabitha,
"...(uk) as there are not many guns here, but slowly getting worse "
Or "better" depending on who has the guns. I believe that excessive gun control just take the guns out of the hands of the innocent/law abiding citizens and leaves them prey to the crimminals that don't follow the laws or cultural restraints.
Re: Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks the CPF

Careful guys, this is a story about flashlights, not guns. Start another thread if you want to discuss that issue.

Re: Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks the CPF

Sorry....it was brought up, so I responded. I'll not say another word in this thread.
Re: Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks the CPF

Jeff, thanks so much for keeping our fine Urbs in Horto safe! ...And for a great story! Makes me happy when we get the bad guys off the street.
Re: Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks the CPF

Great story Jeff. Did you tase the offender?
Re: Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks the CPF

to OfficerJeffInChicago --


Best of Luck (and health) to you, whilest on patrol.
Re: Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks the CPF

Nice job. Hope the light serves you just as well in the future. Who knows, he may have snuck up behind you or your colleague and inflicted on someone an injury if you hadn't spotted him.

I hope the guy gets what he deserves, but let's not forget how fortunate we are that we don't have to resort to a life of crime.

Some people are driven by necessity, others by badness.
Re: Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks the CPF

good stuff :D i could see you having a flashlight briefcase in the trunk and when the time calls you bust it open and have several choices for the need , tiablo aspheric for distance spotting , tk40 M30 for clearing wall of light etc.

Have you been spying on me?:devil:

I feel ashamed..I have an HID, DBS MCE, Malkoff P7 magmod as my primary, Dereelight on my vest, an ultrafire wf-1200 for a spare and my Olight I'm loaning a friend...and I'm not even in patrol anymore...

In reality, anything brighter than 100 lumens is brighter than any "police light" the departments issue. Many of my friends have purchased Eagletacs, Olights, magmods, etc and they all get the "holy S#%T!" factor from suspects, bystanders, and other cops from allied agencies when they turn them on. These lights are the future and really are worth their weight in gold to us ninjas.
Re: Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks the CPF

I've had the same experience quite regularly. A coworker searches an area with a older, dimmer light and finds nothing. I re-search the area with whatever I'm packing and find the suspects. Beyond the comedy value, there is a significant safety factor in not walking past a suspect who could attack you from behind. It has happened.
Re: Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks the CPF

leos should have the best flashlights available purchased for them using the
publics taxes.

and replaced every year with the latest and greatest.

id be happy to pay an extra $100 a year tax so my local leo can carry a great light.

^ my 0.2 cents.
Re: Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks the CPF


That's a great story and thanks for serving the public!

It's a shame that LE department's budget contraints make it down to important gear like flashlights. It's also a shame our officers have to buy their own gear to replace what they have that is questionable.

The FBI and Law Enforcement should set standards for lights, like they do for service weapons, ammunition, and vests. Minimum lumens, minimum runtime, and even recharge time should be considered.

It's a great disservice to our fine LEOs not to see they have top notch flashlites.

Good job JeffInChi, keep up the good work! and stay safe!
and well lit! :candle:
Re: Olight M30 nabs burglar, thanks the CPF

Olight is a very nice brand. There has been some confusion lately, and I wonder how they will be a year from now. :popcorn:

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