Got this in from Batteryjunction today. I noticed they lowered the price by $6 today too... :hairpull:
On high (120 lumens), advertised runtime is 48 minutes.
On a Energizer NiMH 2500 mA that had been in my INOVA X1 for a couple of weeks, I got 102 minutes before the light dropped off.
The light maintained (to my eye) full brightness the entire time. I was shocked, so I reran the test with a different battery.
Before starting the second run, I doubly verified that I was on the brightest of the 5 settings just in case I might have accidentally been on the second highest which is rated at 120 minutes in the first test. On a freshly charged Duracell NiMH 2650 mA, I got 136 minutes. :bow:
Is my light not running at the proper amperage or are they being ULTRA conservative with runtimes? I don't have another Q5 to compare it to, but it seems about as bright as my Streamlight TRL-1 (LuxIII using 2x CR123), with a tighter, brighter hotspot.
I'm putting a freshly charged Duracell NiMH in with it on low and going to bed. I will update on that runtime when it dies. Advertised runtime is 25 hours.
After the light dims, it will run at the low setting for an unknown length of time. However, do not turn it off or it won't come back on.
The light got warm to the touch, but never got hot.
This light does not have the low battery blinking indicator that the T20 does.
After this test both batteries would light up my INOVA X1 pretty well. :thinking:
On high (120 lumens), advertised runtime is 48 minutes.
On a Energizer NiMH 2500 mA that had been in my INOVA X1 for a couple of weeks, I got 102 minutes before the light dropped off.
Before starting the second run, I doubly verified that I was on the brightest of the 5 settings just in case I might have accidentally been on the second highest which is rated at 120 minutes in the first test. On a freshly charged Duracell NiMH 2650 mA, I got 136 minutes. :bow:
Is my light not running at the proper amperage or are they being ULTRA conservative with runtimes? I don't have another Q5 to compare it to, but it seems about as bright as my Streamlight TRL-1 (LuxIII using 2x CR123), with a tighter, brighter hotspot.
I'm putting a freshly charged Duracell NiMH in with it on low and going to bed. I will update on that runtime when it dies. Advertised runtime is 25 hours.
After the light dims, it will run at the low setting for an unknown length of time. However, do not turn it off or it won't come back on.
The light got warm to the touch, but never got hot.
This light does not have the low battery blinking indicator that the T20 does.
After this test both batteries would light up my INOVA X1 pretty well. :thinking:
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